Teller Report

Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Chernik announced Kyiv's intention to deplete Crimea with a blockade

3/5/2023, 10:43:05 PM

Military analyst and Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pyotr Chernik said that Ukraine is considering the option of blockade of Crimea for attrition.

“The issue of time is the physical exhaustion of both the combat group and, in general, the entire population that is located there,” he said on the air of the Big Lvov TV channel.

His words are quoted by RIA Novosti.

Chernik noted that in order to implement this plan, Ukraine would need to destroy the Crimean bridge.

Earlier, the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, said that in 2023 it is planned to “defeat Russia” and “return” the territory of Crimea.

The head of the Crimean parliament committee on public diplomacy and interethnic relations, Yuri Gempel, called the statements of the Kyiv authorities aggressive and crazy.