Teller Report

[30 seconds of the two sessions] Cai Dafeng, chairman of the Democratic Progressive Central Committee: Adding a new atmosphere to the cause of multi-party cooperation with a new look of video

3/5/2023, 5:12:44 PM

[30 seconds of the two sessions] Cai Dafeng, Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Central Committee: Add a new atmosphere to the cause of multi-party cooperation with a new look of self-construction

  At 3 pm on March 5, the First Session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held a press conference for leaders of the Democratic Party Central Committee and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce in the Golden Hall on the third floor of the Great Hall of the People.

  At the meeting, a reporter asked Cai Dafeng, chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party: Ma Xulun, the pioneer of the Democratic Progressive Party, once said that only following the Communist Party is the right path.

As the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Central Committee, how do you understand Mr. Ma's words?

As a participating party, how does the Democratic Progressive Party insist on walking on the right path and become a good adviser, helper, and colleague of the Communist Party?

  Cai Dafeng said that Ma Xulun and other leaders of the older generation of the Democratic Progressive Party have established a profound friendship and forged a fine tradition of our Democratic Progressive Party in the process of standing together through thick and thin, sharing weal and woe, and uniting and cooperating with the Communist Party of China.

"Only by following the Communist Party of China is the right path" is the political belief of the older generation of DPP leaders who have practiced it all their lives, and it is also a political entrustment to us DPP members.

The key to inheriting their political beliefs is to do a good job in political handover. This is the eternal mission of the democratic parties and a long-term topic.

  The purpose of political handover is to uphold and develop the cause of multi-party cooperation led by the Communist Party of China. The content of the handover is of course the major political achievements achieved by multi-party cooperation, including the policy programs, political beliefs, political character, and fine traditions of the democratic parties.

To do a good job in political handover, it is necessary to strengthen self-construction, which is an important measure to deepen political handover.

  In December last year, the 13th National Congress of the Democratic Progressive Party was held, and the 15th central leadership of the Democratic Progressive Party was elected.

After the re-election, the new Democratic Progressive Central Committee must first take ideological and political construction as the guide, take Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guidance, and deeply study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on doing a good job in the party's united front work in the new era. The political handover theme education of "unswervingly follow the party and forge ahead hand in hand in the new era" effectively enhances the understanding of the history of multi-party cooperation, the history and fine traditions of our democratic progress, so as to strengthen our political beliefs and strengthen our Deepen the sense of responsibility for political handover.

  Second, we must solidly promote organizational construction.

Focusing on the construction of the leadership team, timely carry out the training work after the new term, and strive to improve the five abilities such as political grasp.

At the same time, we must implement democratic centralism, adhere to the combination of collective leadership and division of labor, improve democratic procedures and post responsibility systems, and give full play to the overall function and exemplary role of the leadership team.

At the same time, we must strengthen the construction of the representative team and organizational development, adhere to the policy of combining development and consolidation, plan and develop steadily, highlight political standards, optimize team structure, and improve the quality of our development.

Strengthen the work of young members, enhance the connection between members from all walks of life, and stimulate the enthusiasm of our members.

  Third, improve the ability to serve the overall situation.

Adhere to the political principles of multi-party cooperation, improve the two-way ability to discuss policies and build consensus, take the study of major policies as the primary task of performing duties, improve the methods of investigation and research, improve the mechanism of gathering intelligence and strength, and improve the performance of duties The level of standardization, institutionalization and informatization.

  Fourth, strive to practice a good style of work.

Carry forward the fine tradition of democratic progress and the noble demeanor of the older generation of leaders, carry out the theme year activities of style construction, and consciously practice the style requirements of democracy, unity, truth-seeking, and incorruptibility.

Strengthen self-education, lead the work style and life style with a good style of study.

Strict discipline requirements, and take practical actions to oppose the "four winds", reflecting the good image of the Democratic Progressive Party.

  Finally, we must enhance the efficiency of system construction.

To continuously improve our institutional system and improve our institutional regulations, we must put the implementation of the system in a more prominent position, strengthen discipline education and enforcement, carry out internal supervision, and keep the bottom line of behavior.

  General Secretary Xi Jinping sincerely sent a message to our democratic parties, hoping that we will continue the fine tradition of multi-party cooperation of being united with the party, patriotism for the people, sincere cooperation, dedication and dedication, and pass on the political beliefs, noble demeanor and deep connection with the Communist Party of China of the older generation. Passing on the feelings and ensuring that the cause of multi-party cooperation led by the Communist Party of China is passed on from generation to generation, this is also a requirement for our democratic progress.

The Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party will take the opportunity of the re-election and take political handover as the main line to comprehensively strengthen its own construction, and add a new atmosphere to the cause of multi-party cooperation with a new look of its own construction.

(Produced by Sui Zhiyuan)

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]