Teller Report

To prevent influenza A, is it still too late to get vaccinated?

3/4/2023, 4:30:31 PM

Recently, the high incidence period of influenza A has come, and it has been on the hot list of social media many times, attracting widespread attention. According to the monitoring data of the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the intensity of seasonal influenza epidemics in Beijing is on the rise. Among the prevailing influenza viruses, influenza A virus has an absolute advantage., Beijing, March 5th (Wei Xianghui) Recently, the high incidence of influenza A has arrived, and it has been on the hot list of social media many times, attracting widespread attention.

But in fact, influenza A is not a new type of influenza virus, and there are corresponding prevention and treatment strategies.

Data map: Citizens visit the hospital in an orderly manner Photo by Yin Liqin

What is the current situation of this round of A flow?

  On the morning of February 23, Fan Xiaoping's daughter smiled and said that she had a "sore throat, very uncomfortable, blushing, and lack of strength".

Fan Xiaoping took the child's body temperature and it was 38.9°C.

So, she hurriedly asked for leave to go to the hospital for her child, and was finally diagnosed with influenza A.

  Fan Xiaoping told that Xiaoxiao is in fifth grade this year.

Two days ago, the child said that many students in the class had asked for leave at home due to a cold.

At that time, Xiaoxiao also had some symptoms, but they were not serious yet.

  Recently, "A stream" has become a topic of widespread public concern.

Monitoring data from the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the intensity of seasonal influenza epidemics in Beijing is on the rise. Among the prevailing influenza viruses, influenza A virus has an absolute advantage.

  Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in many places issued a document introducing the situation of this round of influenza A.

The Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a document saying that since the H1N1 influenza has not been prevalent in Zhejiang Province in the past three years, the vaccination rate is low and the population is generally susceptible.

  Li Tong, chief physician of the Respiratory and Infectious Diseases Department of Beijing You'an Hospital, also said in an interview with that many children have not been infected with influenza in the past few years and lack immune protection after infection. Cases of infection in children.

Data map: Photo by Zhang Yao, primary school students

What exactly is a stream?

  Influenza A is a type of influenza virus.

Gao Fu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduced in detail the World Health Organization's naming principles for influenza viruses in the book "Influenza Virus: An Enemy That Can't Be Hidden". According to the virus type, it is divided into A, B, C, and D. In China, it is A. , B, C, D.

In influenza A, based on the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) of the virus, there are 18 (16+2) HA subtypes and 11 (9+2) NA subtypes.

  "The most notable feature of H1N1 infection is its sudden onset and rapid spread." Gao Fu mentioned in the book that during the outbreak of influenza in 2009, it spread to 23 countries and regions on four continents in more than ten days. The confirmed deaths are mainly young people aged 25-45, and patients with multiple diseases and deaths with critical symptoms. The latent infection rate of patients during the incubation period after infection is high.

  On March 2, the China National Influenza Center released the 741st China Influenza Surveillance Weekly Report for the eighth week of 2023.

Surveillance data show that the positive rate of influenza virus detection in southern and northern provinces continued to rise this week, with A(H1N1)pdm09 being the main type and A(H3N2) subtype influenza viruses co-circulating.

The percentage of influenza-like cases continued to increase in southern and northern provinces.

A total of 390 ILI outbreaks were reported this week.

This means that there are currently two subtypes of influenza A virus circulating in our country.

Data map: Citizens go out on weekends.

Photo by Lu Ming

When is the flu vaccine given?

  "It is recommended to complete the vaccination from October to November." To prevent influenza A, Li Tong once suggested that the first consideration is to get the flu vaccine before the epidemic season, especially for the elderly, children, and people with low immunity. It is recommended to get vaccinated every year.

  Cui Can, deputy director of the Infection Management and Disease Prevention and Control Department of Beijing You'an Hospital, said that effective antibodies can be produced in about two weeks after vaccination.

If you are in the epidemic period of influenza A, timely vaccination can also achieve a certain preventive effect.

  In terms of treatment, the book "Influenza Virus: An Enemy That Can't Be Hidden" introduces that the basic principles of influenza treatment are mainly divided into three categories: symptomatic treatment, antiviral treatment and severe treatment.

Among them, among the anti-influenza virus therapeutic drugs, Tamiflu is familiar to people, and its full name is: Oseltamivir Phosphate Capsules, that is, Oseltamivir.

  Previously, there were media reports that some people have snapped up oseltamivir in this round of influenza A.

Relevant experts said that oseltamivir is a prescription drug and should be prescribed under the guidance of a doctor.

The production of the drug is sufficient, so there is no need for citizens to rush to buy or hoard the drug.

  Li Tong also reminded that in addition to influenza, norovirus, chickenpox, hand, foot and mouth disease, herpetic angina and other infectious diseases also need to be paid attention to. Everyone needs to take good protection, wash hands frequently, wear masks, and pay attention to food hygiene.

(At the request of the interviewee, "Fan Xiaoping" is a pseudonym) (End)