Teller Report

Many places in my country will experience the warmth of April all year round in advance, North China and other places will "run" into spring

3/4/2023, 1:36:33 AM

Many places in my country will experience the warmth of April in advance. North China and other places have "running" into spring. Since March, the force of cold air has been weak, and the force of warm air has strengthened significantly. my country's great recovery has kicked off. Tomorrow, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang, northern and eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, and southern Sichuan Plateau. Among them, Altay and other places in Xinjiang will have local heavy snow.

  China Weather Network News Recently, the influence of warm air in our country has strengthened, and the sun has "controlled the field", and a wave of warming has swept across.

From today (March 4) to the 8th, the maximum temperature in the central and southern parts of North China and its south will generally climb above 20°C, and the temperature in a large area will hit a new high this year. Many places will experience April or even early May in advance. The warmth, local even challenge the warmest record.

Under the background of fine weather, the air in many parts of the country has been dry recently, and Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other places should be extra vigilant about the occurrence of fires.

  Many places in my country will experience the warmth of April all year round in advance, North China and other places will "run" into spring

  Since March, the force of cold air has been weak, while the force of warm air has strengthened significantly, and my country's great warming has kicked off.

The sun continued to "control the field" yesterday, and North China, Northeast China and other places joined the warming channel, and the temperature rise in some areas was above 4°C.

  From this weekend to the 8th, most of my country will set off a wave of record high temperatures. The highest temperature in the central, southern and southern regions of North China will basically climb above 20°C, and the area above 25°C will also expand. Many places are as warm as they are all year round. April or even early May.

  For example, in Shenyang, the highest temperature on the 7th was 16°C, which was close to the warmest record in the same period in local history.

The average maximum temperature in Urumqi in early March is only less than 1°C, but it will reach 10°C or above continuously from March 7 to 8 this year, and the maximum temperature on the 8th may reach 16°C, which is significantly warmer than normal years.

In addition, for Zhengzhou and Jinan, the highest temperature will reach 26-27°C at the beginning of next week, which is also a rare warmth in the same period in the local area.

  After the temperature rises, spring in the meteorological sense will move northward from the south of the Yangtze River to the North China Plain.

Many places in the Yangtze River Basin start spring about half a month earlier than normal, and the North China Plain is expected to start spring nearly a month earlier. Shijiazhuang may challenge the record for the earliest spring, and Tianjin may also enter spring next week.

  However, due to the "decline" of cold air, the atmospheric diffusion conditions in central and southern North China, western Huanghuai and other places will gradually deteriorate from now on, and there will be light to moderate haze and local severe haze.

Affected by the weak cold air on the 6th and 8th, the haze weather in North China weakened slightly.

  During the warming process, the temperature difference between day and night is relatively large, especially on weekends. The temperature difference between day and night in many places in the central and eastern regions can reach about 15°C, and it can even exceed 20°C in northern China and the eastern part of Northwest China. It is warm during the day and cold in the morning and evening. Keep warm when going out in the morning and evening.

In addition, the smoggy weather in North China and Huanghuai has developed, and the public should also pay attention to precautions when going out.

 Most of the country is dry and rainy on weekends, so be alert to fires

  Under the background of fine weather, the air in many parts of the country has been dry recently, even in the Jiangnan area, which is prone to continuous rainy weather at this time of year in previous years. The relative humidity of the air in many places in the south of the Yangtze River was around 30% yesterday afternoon.

  The weather pattern of two days of dryness and little rain on the weekend will continue. Most of my country has little rain and snow, and the precipitation is mainly concentrated in the southwest.

The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that today, there will be light snow or sleet in parts of the Altay region of Xinjiang, northwestern and southern Tibet, and southern Sichuan Plateau.

There was light rain in parts of southeastern Tibet, southern Sichuan, central and western Guizhou, central and eastern Yunnan, and eastern Taiwan Island.

  Tomorrow, there will be light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of northern Xinjiang, northern and eastern Tibet, southern Qinghai, and southern Sichuan Plateau. Among them, Altay and other places in Xinjiang will have local heavy snow.

There were light to moderate rains in parts of southeastern Sichuan, southwestern Chongqing, central and western Guizhou, and eastern Yunnan.

  Meteorological experts reminded that due to the continued dry and less rainy weather, the risk of fires has increased. Southern Fujian, southern Jiangxi, northern and eastern Guangdong, eastern Guangxi, southwestern Sichuan, and northern Yunnan should be extra vigilant against forest fires. The public should pay attention to using fire, Electrical Safety.

  (China Weather Network)