Teller Report

Ex-US spy Ritter said that Putin has always shown consistency in Ukraine

3/4/2023, 3:36:25 PM

Russian leader Vladimir Putin has always been open about his goals in Ukraine. This was stated by retired United States Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter in an interview with the Judging Freedom YouTube channel. “The answers are on the surface, in the president's words. He (Putin. - RT ) does not bluff, if he says something, then he does it, ”he said. According to Scott, Western countries are supplying Ukraine with NATO weapons that threaten Russian citizens,

This was stated by retired United States Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter in an interview with the Judging Freedom YouTube channel.

“The answers are on the surface, in the president's words.

He (Putin. -


) does not bluff, if he says something, then he does it, ”he said.

According to Scott, Western countries are supplying Ukraine with NATO weapons that threaten Russian citizens, so the Russian president, “as the head of state, will protect the people” and will not allow these weapons to be near the border of the state.