Teller Report

For the first time in Spain, the Gregorio Marañón Hospital obtains perinatal tissue for transplantation in a baby

3/2/2023, 12:47:41 PM

For the first time in Spain, the public health system of the Community of Madrid has obtained perinatal tissue for transplantation after an intrapartum fetal death. As reported by this...

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For the first time in Spain , the public health system of the

Community of Madrid

has obtained perinatal tissue for transplantation after an intrapartum fetal death.

As reported by the regional government on Thursday, the medical milestone has been achieved at the

Gregorio Marañón University Hospital

with the donation of heart valves to help another baby with heart disease.

This advance opens up new possibilities in the field of tissue donation for the treatment of children suffering from various pathologies, such as heart valve abnormalities.

Obtaining adequate tissues for the needs of these patients is complicated given that infant mortality is very low in Spain.

The intervention of the Gregorio Marañón Public Hospital has been possible thanks to the

express will of some parents

who have counted throughout the process, both during the pregnancy and at the time of the donation, with a team of professionals who have accompanied them with follow-up narrow and exhaustive information.

The group of professionals was made up of Dr. Carmen Viñuela (obstetrician), Dr. Dorita Blanco (neonatologist), a pediatric cardiologist, a psychologist, Dr. Braulio de la Calle (transplant coordinator), cardiac surgeons, and nurses. .

Likewise, the procedure has been authorized by the

Regional Transplant Office of the Community of Madrid

and endorsed by the

National Transplant Organization (ONT)



The beginning of this medical advance was triggered during pregnancy, when it was discovered that the fetus had a genetic abnormality that caused malformations at various levels.

The parents, aware of the high probability of

intrauterine fetal death

and the unfortunate prognosis, decided to continue with the pregnancy and requested information on the possibility of donating their son's organs and tissues.

Although the pregnancy reached term, fetal death occurred during childbirth.

After attending to all the needs of the parents and the family, they reiterated their intention to continue with the donation.

The surgical team of the Gregorio Marañón Public Hospital extracted the heart to proceed with the valve donation within the protocol established by the

Tissue Bank


According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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