Teller Report

90 years after the Reichstag fire: the data that underpins the Nazi conspiracy theory

3/2/2023, 3:53:49 PM

On January 10, 1934, Marinus van der Lubbe saw the guillotine built for him at the Leipzig Court and had a fit of rage. He tried to free himself from the guards, insulted...

  • Fabiano Massimi "The Reichstag fire was 9/11 of the 20th century"

  • Hitler in 1933 A demagogue in crisis in a depressed party

On January 10, 1934, Marinus van der Lubbe saw the guillotine built for him at the Leipzig Court and had a fit of rage.

He tried to free himself from the guards, insulted the magistrates and uttered a desperate cry:

"And the others?"


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