Teller Report

``Lend a handgun'' Suspected of hitting a police officer Arrested 39-year-old suspect Nagoya

3/2/2023, 2:12:04 PM

[NHK] On the evening of the 2nd, a 39-year-old suspect was on public duty, saying that he had hit two police officers in front of a police box in the center of Nagoya, saying, "Lend me a gun."

On the evening of the 2nd, a 39-year-old man was arrested by police on suspicion of interfering with the execution of official duties after calling out to two police officers in front of a police box in central Nagoya, saying, "Lend me a gun," and punching him in the face. it was done.

Two police officers were slightly injured, and the police suspect that the suspect may have had the purpose of stealing the pistol, and are investigating the details.

Just before 5:00 pm on the 2nd, two police officers, a 48-year-old chief sergeant and a 42-year-old chief sergeant, who work at the ``Kameshima Police Box'' in Nakamura Ward, Nagoya City, returned after dealing with the case. Kengo Ono (39), who has no fixed residence and is unemployed, asked me, "Lend me a handgun."

When the two asked for help from the police station and answered, "I can't lend you a loan," they were suddenly attacked and got into a fight, and the 48-year-old sergeant was hit multiple times with his bare hands, including his face. is.

The 42-year-old police chief arrested Ono on the spot with other police officers who rushed to the scene and arrested him on suspicion of obstructing official duties.

He has admitted to the investigation that he is "no doubt".

The 48-year-old sergeant was taken to the hospital for treatment, and the 42-year-old sergeant suffered a cut on his lip during the struggle, but both injuries were minor.

The police are investigating the details of the incident, considering that it may have been the purpose of stealing the handgun.