Teller Report

US Ambassador to the UN: the agency monitors the violation of religious freedoms in Ukraine

3/1/2023, 5:35:23 PM

United States Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield reported on problems with religious freedom in Ukraine.

About it writes RIA Novosti.

Thomas-Greenfield noted that freedom of religion is a human right.

“We are focused on that ... whether it is monitoring what is happening, for example, in Ukraine, where there are problems,” she said.

According to the Permanent Representative, both the United States Mission to the UN and the Human Rights Council are dealing with this issue.

On January 25, it became known that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky by decree tightened sanctions against representatives of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC).

Special Representative of the Russian Foreign Minister for Cooperation in Ensuring the Right to Freedom of Religion, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Gennady Askaldovich said that Kiev and the West are trying to separate Russians and Ukrainians on the basis of religion.