Teller Report

The monkey keeper at Furuvik speaks out after the escape: "You break down - like losing a friend"

3/1/2023, 5:35:29 PM

Once there were seven. Now only three chimpanzees remain in Furuviksparken's apothecary. Animal keeper Rickard Beldt is close to tears when he thinks back to the escape just before Christmas. - It's like losing a friend or a colleague. It was incredibly tough, he says.

Now Furuviksparken is opening the doors to the monkey house for the media for the first time.

Animal keeper Rickard Beldt himself was not in the park on the day the monkeys escaped, but is still noticeably affected by the events.

He tells us that he himself carried the little boy Torsten around and fed him after his mother abandoned him.

When he heard that four of the chimpanzees had been shot, he broke down.

- We who work here spend more time with these animals than we spend with our friends and families, he says.

Before SVT's visit to Furuviksparken, we received demands from the park's press officer not to ask any critical questions to the staff - for example, about what they think about the decision to shoot the escaped chimpanzees.

That type of question can only be asked of the park's CEO Sandra Wilke, who is currently on vacation and does not attend interviews.

Hear more from Rickard Beldt in the clip.