Teller Report

INTERVIEW- Natacha Lindinger (“Avenir”): “My career will always come after my family life”

2/27/2023, 5:04:39 PM

TF1 is launching this Monday, February 27, 2023 in prime time "Avenir", a new series carried by Kev Adams. The actor plays the role of Eliott, a thirty-year-old who discovers that he has the possibility of changing his past. Natacha Lindinger, she plays her mother, Sofia. A character in which she slipped with great ease as she told us exclusively.

Solène Delinger 6:00 p.m., February 27, 2023

TF1 is launching this Monday, February 27, 2023 in prime time “Avenir”, a new series carried by Kev Adams.

The actor plays the role of Eliott, a thirty-year-old who discovers that he has the possibility of changing his past.

Natacha Lindinger, she plays her mother, Sofia.

A character in which she slipped with great ease as she told us exclusively. 

Tonight, TF1 is broadcasting the

Avenir series in prime time,

carried by Kev Adams who plays the role of Eliott.

At 31, this household appliance salesman is bored with his job and lives with his disabled sister.

One evening, he had fun sending a message to the first email address he had when he was younger.

Following a computer bug, he begins to communicate with the little boy he was 20 years earlier and then sees his life turned upside down.



Natacha Lindinger, known for her role in the

Sam series,

plays Eliott's mother, a woman who seeks to relive the love emotions of her early days with her husband.

For Europe 1, she confides in her role in this family show, her future projects and her life as a mother.


What convinced you to play in the


series ? 

The theme of the series seduced me: this fantasy that we can all have had at some point to change our past, knowing very well that it is not feasible and that it is dangerous.

The childish side also appealed to me a lot.

I thought it was well put together and there was a nice mix of genres.

It is indeed an offbeat comedy in which there are many realistic scenes, which concern my character Sofia. 

"I wouldn't do like Eliott, even if it's tempting"

Your character Sofia is a mother who seems unhappy in her relationship.

We have the feeling that she stays with her husband for the balance of her family.

What inspires you? 

I especially believe that she is in a period of her life where things are not renewed much, where there is less contact and less charm in her relationship with her husband.

They start to get angry and it all happens because of the years and the everyday.

Because I have the feeling that they still love each other and that they regret a time spent.

And, from the moment we regret a time spent, it means that there is still something to save. 

You are the mother of a little boy in real life.

Did it help you to play the role of Sofia? 

I was already playing moms before becoming a mother and I never felt like that was a hindrance.

But, it's true that once you have a child, you carry something extra. 

“Kev Adams was very invested in this project”

What would you say today to the little girl that you were if you had the opportunity, like Eliott in the series?

I would tell him that we obviously have a few regrets.

We always say to ourselves that we would have liked it to be a little different.

But basically, with a little hindsight, I find that I'm rather lucky in my life so I would never take the risk of changing anything.

I wouldn't do like Eliott, even if it's tempting (Laughs). 

How was your collaboration with Kev Adams? 

I didn't know him at all.

But it went very well because he was extremely invested in this project from the start. 

You don't want your son to watch


another show where you played Sam, the main character.

Will he be allowed to watch


Yes, he will have the right (Laughs).

My son is 10 now so it's easier for him to watch certain programs without being shocked.

My character of Sam was still very whimsical and very rock.

She drank, she smoked, she slept with all the men she liked.

I wasn't sure I wanted to show this to my son too soon.

But he will be able to watch


without any problem because the series is also aimed at very young people. 

It is the actress Hélène de Fougerolles who will take up the torch by embodying the character of


 Did you give her any advice? 

Certainly not (Laughs).

I have no advice to give him.

On the other hand, I know Hélène and I was very happy that it was her who took over the role of Sam. We talked a lot to encourage each other and share the excitement of the new season.

I really like this girl and I'm sure she will be great. 

You are chaining projects at the moment: you will soon be starring in the drama 

Parents in perpetuity

and the thriller

 Entre ses mains.

How do you manage to reconcile 

your busy professional life with your daily life as a mother? 

My son is a priority for me.

If I feel that it's too complicated for me in terms of organization and that I can't be present enough, I simply don't go.

My career will always come after my family life.