Teller Report

Mats Löfving's brother: "Immense anger and disappointment"

2/25/2023, 2:46:07 PM

Mats Löfving, regional police chief in Stockholm, was found dead in his home on Wednesday. His brother Jan Löfving is now coming out hard against the police leadership. - What we are experiencing in the family right now is both total consternation and sadness, while at the same time we feel tremendous anger and disappointment about how this has been handled, he tells Aftonbladet.

Jan Löfving tells the newspaper about the great sadness after his brother's death.

According to him, Mats Löfving took the job very seriously.

- He had enormous integrity and has always been a police officer 24 hours a day.

It never stopped.

He lived with his role as a police officer and his sense of responsibility for society at all times and was extremely loyal to his employees and managers, says Jan Löfving.

"Total lack of support"

Mats Löfving had been reported for crimes against his former police colleague with whom he also allegedly had a relationship.

In an investigation that was presented on the same day that he was found dead, it emerged that he acted violently in several situations concerning her.

The brother feels that the support from the police management during the process was almost non-existent.

- Mats has several friends and colleagues within the authority who have been an extremely important support for him.

But when it comes to the official support, it has been under all criticism.

I feel that there was a total lack of support from the police leadership and that they left Mats completely alone, says Jan Löfving to Aftonbladet.

Thornberg: Talk directly with relatives

The police authority has reported Mats Löfving's death to the Work Environment Agency.

This is because, according to them, it cannot be ruled out that the death is related to work.

SVT Nyheter is looking for national police chief Anders Thornberg.

He told Aftonbladet that "the police authority wants to have the conversations about the support for Mats Löfving directly with the next of kin".