Teller Report

The United States imposed export restrictions on MegaFon

2/24/2023, 6:45:59 PM

The United States Department of Commerce imposed export restrictions on the Russian telecommunications company MegaFon.

“The following Russian organizations have been added to the list (of export restrictions. -


) ... PJSC MegaFon,” RIA Novosti quotes a statement.

The company noted that adding to this list will require obtaining additional licenses from the US Department of Commerce in the event that MegaFon decides to import anything from this country.

“We continue to study the possible consequences of this restriction on our activities.

We are considering the possibility of challenging this decision, ”the press service emphasized.

Earlier, the US Department of the Treasury imposed sanctions against a number of Russian banks, including financial institutions Uralsib, Zenit, Credit Bank of Moscow, and MTS Bank.