Teller Report

Have you ever been offended by "stress interviews" during the job hunting season?

2/23/2023, 9:57:24 PM

Stress interviews are originally a way of talent assessment. By deliberately creating tension during the interview process and asking sharp questions, the candidate's ability to withstand stress is tested. So, why is this kind of interview method disgusted by everyone?   —————————   "I didn't realize it was a stressful interview at the time, I just thought the other party was rude."   "I was

  Stress interviews are originally a way of talent assessment. By deliberately creating tension during the interview process and asking sharp questions, the candidate's ability to withstand stress is tested.

So, why is this kind of interview method disgusted by everyone?


  "I didn't realize it was a stressful interview at the time, I just thought the other party was rude."

  "I was so angry that I cursed back, and that company was also blocked by me."

  After the reporter asked the question "How do you feel about the stressful interview" in the group chat, the group immediately exploded.

The group of friends showed up one after another to express their long-simmering knots.

Some people said that because of the negation of the interviewer, they fell into long-term self-doubt; some people expressed helplessness: "It's just a part-time job, is it necessary?"

  Stress interviews are originally a way of talent assessment. By deliberately creating tension during the interview process and asking sharp questions, the candidate's ability to withstand stress is tested.

So, why is this kind of interview method disgusted by everyone?

Is an interview that offends a candidate really a stressful interview?

Stress interviews are not cold and offensive

  Even though two years have passed since the video interview, Jing Zixin still couldn't let go.

"The interview time is set at 9 o'clock in the evening, and the interviewer often interrupts my answers." When Jing Zixin talked about the internship department, the interviewer even said: "I've heard of this department, it sucks, People who come out of here are not capable.” Jing Zixin said that the interview should be an equal process, and they made me feel disrespected.

Although Jing Zixin passed the interview, she still did not choose this company.

  Liu Meng was also deeply touched when he was offended during the interview.

When interviewing a certain media company, HR knew that Liu Meng had already arrived at the company, but still made her wait for nearly half an hour.

During the interview, no matter what Liu Meng said, HR didn't seem to care, and snorted coldly from time to time.

"When I contacted on the recruitment software before, HR's tone was very friendly, and it seemed like a different person during the interview." Liu Meng was puzzled, thinking that he had said something wrong and offended the other party.

After seeing other people's interview sharing, she realized that "indifference" and "offensive" are the interview styles of this company, which is called "stress interview".

  Under the stressful interview, many people said "I can't stand it".

There are a lot of such situations, and people can't help but think: Is the candidate's ability to resist pressure too poor, or the interviewer is not polite enough?

Is offense a normal part of stress interviews, or is alienation abusive?

  "Stress interviews are indeed being abused." Lai Banfen, a teacher at the Department of Business and Human Resource Management, Hangzhou Business School, Zhejiang Gongshang University, said that stress interviews are not suitable for all scenarios and positions.

Candidates may feel offended because HR uses stress interviews for positions that don't require them to test.

No matter what kind of interview method, the ultimate goal is to examine whether the applicant is qualified for the position, and some HR did not think deeply about the essence of the interview.

  Fan Yangyang, a teacher of human resources management at the Sino-Swiss Hotel Management School of Beijing International Studies University, said that some interviewers mistakenly think that in a stressful interview, they have to appear superior, which is actually unprofessional.

Even a stressful interview should be based on good communication.

At the same time, Fan Yangyang believes that some candidates feel offended, which may be related to his being too sensitive.

For example, "Is your English not good enough?" The interviewer may just be getting the facts, not being disrespectful.

The interviewer should focus on competency

  Not all stress interviews are sharp and mean, and reasonable stress interviews can also make candidates happy.

  A stressful interview in an advertising company made Liu Meng feel very comfortable.

It was a multi-person interview, and the applicants who were divided into various groups were required to discuss a marketing plan within a limited time.

After the report, the interviewer asked: "You chose to carry out marketing during the Spring Festival, but I didn't see any elements related to the Chinese New Year in the plan. Where is the correlation between the two?" Actually, this was already mentioned in the report by the reporter , but did not elaborate.

Liu Meng understands that the interviewer seems to question the applicants, but they are actually giving them the opportunity to add explanations.

  Li Tingting, who has been working in HR for 5 years, once used pressure interviews with other interviewers to examine candidates.

They discussed it in advance, and they were unsmiling during the interview, creating a sense of tension in the atmosphere.

However, the pressure created by several interviewers is nothing more than that.

When communicating with candidates, they will still maintain an equal and respectful tone.

"It would be a pity if the applicants have a bad impression of the company because of offence, resulting in the loss of talents." Li Tingting said.

  What should a reasonable stress interview look like?

Lai Banfen believes that the interviewer should focus on competency, design questions, environment, interview rhythm, etc.

Fan Yangyang said that there are routines in stress interviews.

Interviewers can verbally create stressful situations for candidates.

For example, say to the other party: "I am not satisfied with your interview performance today." "What will you do if the person who joined the company at the same time as you is promoted before you in a year?" polite.

"When expressing, the interviewer should use a normal tone and not be superior to others." The interviewer can also create a sense of oppression from the environment and interview rhythm.

  However, the interview is the first pass for candidates to enter the company, and the pressure is inevitable.

As an employer, some positions that do not take the ability to resist stress as a core element also need to have a certain ability to resist stress. At this time, the interviewer will also use pressure techniques.

  So, is it a stressful interview to apply a certain amount of pressure during an interview?

In Fan Yangyang's view, the two are different, "A question like 'Can you accept overtime?' is the interviewer's way of looking at the applicant's ability to withstand stress, while the stress interview is a direct test of ability."

Lai Banfen said that whether an interview is a stressful interview depends on the essence, whether stress is the main content of the investigation, and whether the applicant's competence can be detected.

Treat the interview as a normal exchange

  What should we do in a stressful interview?

  Lai Banfen said that from the perspective of recruitment, employers need to conduct interviews based on the core qualities required by the position.

Job seekers should also conduct research on the position and make certain preparations for the required qualities.

"If the position you are applying for is sales, then before the interview, you should already know that the exam questions will be very flexible, and the answers will require certain skills." feel offended.

Fan Yangyang believes that it is also very important for the interview to maintain a normal mind and a correct attitude.

"Think of the interview as a normal exchange, and don't bother thinking about whether it's a stressful interview."

  Before entering college as a teacher, Fan Yangyang worked in HR in the hotel industry for many years and used stress interview methods many times.

"It is required to wear formal clothes to work in the hotel industry, but one interviewer came here wearing sportswear." Fan Yangyang asked her, your dress is not suitable today, why did you choose this suit?

After listening to the questions, the applicant did not show a flustered expression, and explained that he came to the interview after going out to do errands today, and the time was a little rushed.

She apologized and said that if she was given another chance, she would bring a formal suit and come back after changing.

  Fan Yangyang said that some people felt that they had no chance when they heard doubts, but this applicant was not in a hurry and did not give up because of this.

At the same time, her answer was very logical, "First of all, I can accept the reason why she didn't wear formal clothes. Secondly, she said a remedy, which shows that she will actively think when she encounters problems. Finally, she expresses her own behavior. I'm sorry, but it can be seen that this is a relatively sincere person." Fan Yangyang said that the applicant's answer method is worth referring to.

  (At the request of the interviewees, Jing Zixin, Liu Meng, and Li Tingting are pseudonyms)

  Li Danping, a trainee reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily. Source: China Youth Daily

  "China Youth Daily", February 24, 2023, version 07