Teller Report

Ukraine, one year later: our reporters tell us

2/22/2023, 4:38:34 PM

Since the start of the large-scale invasion of Ukraine launched by Moscow on February 24, 2022, France 24 teams have been on the ground to report on the situation. How…

"Even two days before it started, no one believed in it, including, and especially, in Ukraine," recalls Elena Volochine, former France 24 correspondent in Russia.

On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin launched what he still calls today a "special operation" and the life of Ukrainians then fell into the horror of war.

Our correspondents are on the ground, on the front line.

In kyiv, Gulliver Cragg remembers the very first sounds of explosions resounding in the capital and the panic of the inhabitants.

In Russia, very close to the border with Ukraine, the atmosphere is radically different.

Elena Voloshin can only see the denial of the population, who prefer not to believe in what is happening a few dozen kilometers away.

'For many Russians today

today, there is still no war.

It's a 'special operation', which happens far away, where their country only has the right role", she recalls.  

During the year that has passed, around thirty teams of reporters have succeeded each other in the field, as part of the special system deployed by France 24. Our journalists have collected poignant testimonies from traumatized civilians, and regularly in combat zones to assess the situation.

In a special video visible at the top of this page, they retrace the last twelve months and explain to us how they work when the war is raging, including in the field of information.   

Click on the video at the top of the page to discover the testimonies of our reporters. 

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