Teller Report

The field group in Umeå warns of the online drug kratom: "Can be dangerous for young people"

2/22/2023, 6:09:03 PM

The field group in Umeå warns that teenagers have started using the opiod-like substance kratom. In Sweden, kratom is not yet classified as a narcotic and is sold via online shopping, but the field group emphasizes risks with its use. - The risk of taking an overdose is great, says fielder Mehrzad Solgy.

It is after kratom appeared on a recreational farm in Umeå that the field group now wants to alert parents that the substance is being used by young people here.

- This is something new for us, we have not known about kratom before, says Mehrzad Solgy, fielder in Umeå municipality.

At the municipality's alcohol and drug reception for young people in Umeå, Ingången, one notices a small increase in people who state that they have used kratom.

- There have been a few recently who have used it.

It has gone from being a few single people to a few.

The young people are around 15 years old, says Leif Lundin, at Ingången.

Green powder

Kratom is a plant that has been used in Southeast Asia to cope with heavy work as it can both act as a pain reliever and energizer.

The substance can be taken as tea, in capsule or powder form.

Mehrzad Solgy urges guardians to pay attention to whether one's children change their habits and keep an eye out for green powder.

- The most important thing is that parents are a little more vigilant about their teenagers and obtain more information about various new preparations that appear.

And don't hesitate to seek support - you can always call us in the field group or the entrance, he says.

Hear more about the dangers of kratom in the clip above.