Teller Report

Minsk proposed an amendment to the West's resolution at the UN against the supply of weapons to Ukraine

2/22/2023, 6:32:41 PM

Belarus proposed an amendment calling for not supplying weapons to Ukraine to the Western draft resolution in the UN General Assembly.

It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a copy of the document.

It is noted that the Belarusian side proposed two amendments to the text of the resolution.

According to expectations, the amendments will be put to the vote of the General Assembly.

The First Amendment, among other things, proposes to remove from the text the requirement for Russia to withdraw its armed forces from the territory of Ukraine.

The second amendment calls for UN member states to refrain from sending weapons to the conflict zone in Ukraine.

Earlier, Belarusian Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik said that the Belarusian side on international platforms, in cooperation with Russia, is breaking the consensus regarding the attempts of the West to push openly anti-Belarusian initiatives.