Teller Report

Letters to mothers and violators of the covenant of resistance.. This is the will of Salim and Al-Junaidi before their martyrdom in Nablus

2/22/2023, 4:44:34 PM

Moments before their martyrdom, the two martyrs, Hossam Selim and Muhammad al-Jundi, had nothing in mind except the last will, which was the share of their mothers, and they also affirmed that those who betrayed the era of resistance would not be forgiven.

Nablus -

There, in Al-Habila neighborhood in the Old City of Nablus, and in an operation very similar to its counterpart that took place more than 6 months ago, the Israeli occupation forces repeated the ball again and assassinated the martyrs Hussam Salim (24 years) and Muhammad Al-Junaidi (23 years), the most wanted persons of the occupation in the northern West Bank. .

The assassination of Salim and Al-Junaidi was similar to the assassination of their late comrade, Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi, in terms of the place, time and mechanism of the assassination, and the horror of the scene, which was described as the most violent since Israel began pursuing the "Black's Den" group, especially the martyrs Muhammad Al-Azizi (Abu Saleh), the founder of the den, and his two companions, Abd. Al-Rahman Subuh and Muhammad Harz Allah, to be joined by the two martyrs, Tamer Al-Kilani and Wadih Al-Houh, after a short period of time.

Today's incident, Wednesday, came after units of the Israeli army's special forces assassinated the two martyrs, Salim and Al-Junaidi, after surrounding them for hours and showering them with bullets and rockets.

As a result of the Israeli incursion, 10 Palestinians were killed, more than 100 others were wounded by bullets, and 250 suffocated, while the Al-Quds Brigades announced the death of the commander of the Nablus battalion.

He refused to give up

From the first moment, the two martyrs did not show an intention to surrender, and they confirmed this in an audio message to them transmitted by the communication sites, in a picture similar to that message sent by the martyr Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi moments before his martyrdom.

The two martyrs said in their message that the occupation forces besieged them and that they would not surrender, and that they did not forgive those who betrayed them and broke the covenant of resistance. Martyrdom, raise your heads with us."

The two martyrs repeatedly announced that they belonged to the "Lion's Den" on their social media pages, and confirmed that they and other resistance fighters had engaged in armed clashes with the occupation army, which they succeeded in luring it more than once and targeting it with shooting operations.

The effects of the violent confrontations that took place between resistance fighters and Israeli occupation soldiers in Nablus (Al-Jazeera)

Hossam Selim

The Israeli occupation accused the martyr Hussam Salim of standing with other resistance fighters - Osama Al-Taweel and Kamal Jouri - behind the killing of the Israeli soldier, Edo Baruch, near the "Shafi Shomron" settlement, northwest of Nablus, after he was shot from a speeding car, on October 11.

Hussam Bassam Bashir Salim (24 years old) was born in the city of Nablus, and grew up and learned in its schools, which he left before completing high school to work in several professions, to contribute to the support of his family, of which he is the largest member.

The occupation began publicly chasing him after Operation Shavei Shomron, stormed his house and conducted a field investigation with his family amid a state of threats and intimidation, if he did not surrender himself.

To increase the pressure, the Israeli occupation arrested his younger brother a few weeks ago.

Sami Salim, the uncle of the martyr Hossam, said in response to a question by Al-Jazeera Net, "It (that is, the period of his pursuit) was not easy, but it carried within it all the meanings of fear and anticipation for a scene that everyone was waiting for."

Muhammad Al-Junaidi

As for Al-Junaidi, Israel accuses him of belonging to the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, and of carrying out more than one operation against its soldiers and settlers, and began chasing him about 8 months ago.

Muhammad Omar Abu Bakr Al-Junaidi (23 years old), he was born in Jordan, and he came with his mother and brothers to the city of Nablus more than 3 years ago, and he did not complete his secondary and university education, so he joined the labor market early.

Among his family, he is loved and "very affectionate," according to his aunt, Umm Noman, describing the scene of his assassination as difficult for his family and his mother in particular, who experienced complex suffering because of his pursuit, injury, and arrest of his brother.

And the martyr Al-Junaidi is the second son among his two male brothers, and they are: Junaid, who has been detained by the occupation for 4 months, in addition to Mahdi and 3 sisters.

Al-Junaidi was previously arrested twice by the Israeli occupation, and he spent 6 months in his prisons, before being chased recently. He was also wounded 3 times during clashes with the occupation army and its special forces, the most serious of which was last September after he and another resistance fighter were ambushed by the occupation army in a street area. Cooperation in the southern mountain in Nablus.

The arrogance of the occupation and the unity of the resistance

While carrying out the operation to target the resistance fighters, 8 other citizens, including the elderly and a child, were killed. Haj Adnan Sabaa Baara (72 years old) was among the martyrs who died.

Baara is a father of 4 children (a male and 3 females) and he was on his way to check on his son near his shop in the Eastern Market area, where clashes were taking place between the resistance fighters and the occupation soldiers.

In his interview with Al-Jazeera Net, Amin Baara - Hajj Adnan's cousin - says that Hajj Adnan was wounded by several bullets and the occupation left him bleeding for a long time, as medical staff were unable to reach him and treat him.

The assassination of the resistance fighters, Salim and Al-Junaidi, also reflected the solidarity and unity of the resistance, and the resistance of the resistance fighters to the invasion of the occupation.

This is confirmed by the martyrdom of Musab Aweis, 26, a member of the Balata camp battalion, which was formed recently and disturbed the occupation with its multiple clashes with him and its response to his incursions into the city and the camp.

occupation messages

Through the latest operation and its timing, the occupation is trying to send several messages to the Palestinians officially and popularly, according to the researcher on Israeli affairs, Yasser Manna.

In his speech to Al-Jazeera Net, Manna adds that the occupation wanted to impose a state of "cauterizing awareness" on the ground, and that he is the most capable of reaching whoever and when he is, and that he is the one who determines the time and place, and that his hand reaches out to everyone who is wanted.

Al-Bahiq considered that the occupation's message to the Palestinian National Authority, which tried to raise the settlement file to the Security Council, is that "Israel's security is above all agreement."

On the 13th of this month, Israel arrested resistance fighters Kamal Jouri and Osama Al-Taweel, whom it accuses of standing behind the "Shafi Shomron" operation after storming a house in which they hid in the center of Nablus.