Teller Report

Le Figaro: Russia bypasses Western sanctions with the help of ingenuity

2/22/2023, 6:32:47 PM

The Russians are successfully circumventing Western sanctions through ingenuity. This was stated by the journalist of the publication Le Figaro Alain Barluet.

The text states that the author visited the Crimea and St. Petersburg to assess a possible shortage of goods.

“Domestic production and new suppliers from Asian countries do not allow sanctions imposed by Western states to provoke a shortage of consumer products or components for industry in Russia,” the statement says.

Barluet emphasizes that the Russians, with the help of ingenuity, successfully circumvent the restrictions imposed by Western countries.

As an example, the journalist told the story of businessman Sergei Kulik, whose firm deals with oysters and mussels.

He currently purchases the necessary equipment through Tunisia and Turkey instead of direct shipments from France and Ireland.

Earlier, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that anti-Russian sanctions harm Europeans.

Sergei Tsekov, a member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, told RT that the longer the sanctions saga lasts, the more difficult it becomes for the EU.