Teller Report

“For our people”: Putin announced the ongoing battle on the historical borders of Russia

2/22/2023, 10:32:45 PM

At present, a battle is being waged “for our people” on the historical frontiers of Russia, Vladimir Putin said. According to the president, the Russian military is fighting heroically, courageously, bravely, and they are supported by the whole country. The head of state also noted that while protecting the interests of people, culture, language and territory of the Russian Federation, "all the people are the defenders of the Fatherland."

On the historical frontiers of Russia, a battle is being waged right now.

This was stated by Vladimir Putin at the rally-concert "Glory to the Defenders of the Fatherland!"

in honor of the participants of the special military operation.

“We have gathered here for, in fact, a festive event, but I know - now I was only listening to the country's top military leadership - that right now there is a battle on our historical borders for our people.

It is being led by the same courageous fighters who are now standing next to us here.

They fight heroically, courageously, bravely.

We are proud of them - we are proud, and in their honor - three times "cheers".

They should hear our greeting,” Putin said.

The head of state noted that the entire country supports the participants of the NWO.

  • Congratulating on Defender of the Fatherland Day, Putin noted that servicemen are fighting heroically, courageously and bravely

“These are medical workers who help our fighters get back on their feet, these are doctors, and nurses, and nannies, this, of course, is also employees of defense enterprises, the transport sector, everyone who does this.

Dear friends, this is you all together, who came today to support our fighters.

Thank you!

These are even children who write their letters in support of our fighters,” the president explained.

He also noted that while protecting the interests of people, culture, language and territory of Russia, "all our people are the defenders of the Fatherland."

“It is not for nothing that one of the most famous prayers begins with the words “Our Father”: “Father” is the father, and there is something very close to every person in this.

After all, we also say “Motherland”.

We are talking about a family, we are talking about something huge, powerful and at the same time close to the heart of every person: this is both the Motherland and the family.

And by and large, the Motherland is a family: in our hearts it is one and the same, ”said the Russian leader.

Vladimir Putin also recalled that the concert was taking place on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

According to him, in these words "there is something powerful, huge, mystical and holy."

“When we are together, we have no equal.

For the unity of the Russian people!


concluded the President, concluding his speech.

  • Putin: “Everything, all our people are the defenders of the Fatherland.

    Low bow to all "

The day before, Vladimir Putin, during his message to the Federal Assembly, also touched upon the subject of the North-Eastern Military District and the entry of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions into the Russian Federation.

He emphasized that the special military operation was launched “for the sake of protecting people on our historical lands”, to ensure the security of Russia, as well as to eliminate the threat that came from the neo-Nazi regime that developed in Ukraine after the 2014 coup.

At the same time, Moscow, as the President of the Russian Federation said, did everything possible to resolve the situation by peaceful means.

“But a completely different scenario was being prepared behind our backs.

The promises of the Western rulers, their assurances about the desire for peace in the Donbass turned out to be, as we now see, a forgery, a cruel lie.

They simply played for time, engaged in chicanery, turned a blind eye to political assassinations, to the repressions of the Kiev regime against objectionable people, to mockery of believers, and more and more encouraged Ukrainian neo-Nazis to carry out terrorist actions in the Donbass.

In Western academies and schools, officers of nationalist battalions were trained, weapons were supplied, ”the Russian leader recalled.

In addition, Putin noted that the residents of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions themselves “determined their future in referendums, despite the threats and terror of neo-Nazis.”

“We have already started and will build up a large-scale program for the socio-economic recovery and development of these new subjects of the Federation.

This includes reviving enterprises and jobs, the ports of the Sea of ​​Azov, which has once again become an inland sea of ​​Russia, and building new modern roads, as we did in Crimea, which now has a reliable land connection with all of Russia.

We will definitely implement all these plans with joint efforts,” the President said on February 21.

He also stressed that other Russian regions are providing “direct support to the cities, districts and villages” of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson Region: “Now we are together again, which means we have become even stronger and will do everything to return to this our land long-awaited peace, so that the safety of the people can be ensured.”

The head of state also proposed to provide maternity capital in new regions of the Russian Federation to families in which children were born since 2007.

In addition, a school renovation program is already in place in these areas.