Teller Report

Elite football Ladies about the open letter: "I was very surprised"

2/21/2023, 3:56:21 PM

Yesterday, the international players' union Fifpro sent out an open letter to try to resolve the conflict with the collective agreement that is missing for the Swedish elite players on the women's side. It does not impress the opponent Elite Soccer Ladies. - I was very surprised that they chose to send it to Karl-Erik Nilsson, who has nothing to do with this at all, says the old bronze hero from the WC 1994, Patrik "Bjärred" Andersson, vice chairman of EFD, to SVT Sport.

Fifpro's letter, backed by the Swedish players' union Spelarföreningen, was addressed to outgoing SvFF chairman Karl-Erik Nilsson and EDF chairman Annika Grälls.

- On EFD's side, it was addressed to Annika Grälls, but it is me as vice-chairman who handles the issues, says Andersson.

So Fifpro didn't know who to address the open letter to?

- I am not going to comment on it.

I can only say that we were very surprised because we were clear about who handles the dialogue from the clubs' side, says Andersson.

"The players association not a serious organization"

Why is it so important that the negotiation should be handled with the Union and not with Fifpro/Players' Association?

- EFD is 28 clubs and we have a mandate from 13 of the Obos clubs (the women's league with 14 clubs) who want EFD centrally and the Employer Alliance to work on this issue to land a collective agreement, explains Andersson and adds:

- The players' union is not considered a serious workers' organization and therein lies the problem.

He does not believe that Fifpro/Players' Association has support in the view that they represent the majority of the Swedish women's elite players and mentions ice hockey and handball for both sexes as major sports that have agreements with the Union.

- This is also the case for the men in football, says Andersson, who does not appreciate that the international union Fifpro is acting on the matter, the letter is written in English.

Doubtful that Fifpro has views on Swedish conditions

- I doubt that Fifpro will have views on Swedish labor market legislation, we want a strong agreement where the majority of our girls are connected and where the right parties are involved, says Andersson and advises the Players' Association to agree with the players in the women's league.

Andersson dismisses the statement that EFD's bid is worse than what was presented ten years ago.

- It has not been negotiated because the parties did not sit down at the negotiating table.

There is no content to comment on, he says.

How many of the elite players then have EFD with them?

- I will not comment on it, but we have our image, says Andersson.

CLIP: The players on the collective agreement (January 12, 2023)

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Stina Lennartsson on the collective agreement: "Disaster"