Teller Report

Health of Kostomarov, confrontation between Plushenko and Fedchenko, Medvedeva's photoset: what is being discussed in the world of figure skating

2/20/2023, 8:56:08 PM

Contradictory information about the state of Roman Kostomarov appeared in the media. According to some reports, the athlete had problems with the vessels of the brain, but the doctors managed to stop it. Coach Sofya Fedchenko called Evgeni Plushenko's words about unfair refereeing hysterical, and an offensive post addressed to her appeared on the social network of the academy of the two-time Olympic champion, but it was soon deleted. Evgenia Medvedeva said that she enjoys violations of the sports regime and published pictures from a new photo shoot. Meanwhile, the premiere of the video of Natalia Podolskaya with Kamila Valieva in the title role took place. What else is discussed in the world of figure skating - in the material RT.

News about Kostomarov's health

On Monday, February 20, a number of media reported frightening news about the health of Roman Kostomarov.

According to anonymous sources, the condition of the Olympic champion has deteriorated sharply.

“A part of the brain is affected, there is a hemorrhage, a hematoma has formed.

The condition is extremely serious, ”wrote RIA Novosti.

However, the information is rather contradictory.

So, the interlocutor of Sport24 said: “The new details of the state of Roman Kostomarov that have appeared on the Internet are nonsense.

Let us heal in peace."

And according to a TASS source, the problem with the vessels of the brain really existed, but the doctors were able to quickly deal with it and the athlete is in a stable condition.

Meanwhile, a few days ago, Oksana Domnina, the wife of the figure skater, for the first time told the details of how the disease developed.

According to her, when pneumonia was just beginning, Kostomarov's arm hurt, he took anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs that masked the manifestations of the disease.

“Roman did not feel ill, and the only symptom was a slight cough that appeared in early January.

I don’t think this is something abnormal, we athletes always work, even if we have a fever, as long as we have the strength.

I can say to myself: on December 30, I was lying with a temperature of 39 ° C, and a day later I was already performing, for skaters this is an ordinary situation, ”she said in a conversation with AiF.

Domnina also emphasized that the doctors informed the family about all possible variants of the course of the disease as soon as the athlete was in the hospital.

“We knew and understood everything from the very beginning about the consequences that could be.

When Roman fell ill, a council of the best doctors was assembled.

My husband had a very difficult, difficult condition, all indicators went off scale, these were actually numbers that they do not live with and do not survive.

And my husband was born again, and the fact that he is now with us is a great miracle and the merit of doctors, and great happiness, and this is the most important thing for us, ”concluded Oksana.

Duet Zagitova and Shcherbakova

Alina Zagitova and Anna Shcherbakova held a joint photo shoot for Voice magazine and talked about their friendship.

According to the Beijing Olympic champion, they have known each other for seven years, but they have become especially close lately: they began to communicate much more, meet not only on ice, but also outside of training.

At the same time, there is no professional rivalry between them, which has a positive effect on relations.

“In sports, I never perceived Alina as a competitor: there was a difference in age - when the 14-year-old I took part in the Russian Championship for the first time and entered adult competitions, Alina was already a star, an Olympic champion.

In general, of course, there is a huge competition in figure skating, but it is she who makes us move forward: everyone wants to be the best.

This is not about envy and anger, but about motivation, ”said Shcherbakova.

Zagitova, in turn, shared how she perceives her own popularity.

“What is happening to me right now is awesome!

Although sometimes people treat me as inanimate: they communicate as if it was my job to be a star, take pictures with everyone and sign autographs.

But, fortunately, there are still more positive moments, ”said the skater.

In addition, the 2018 Olympic champion spoke about her hobbies.

According to her, she likes to take time to take care of herself, and devotes her free hours to drawing, learning English and the structure of the galaxy.

“I also like to go shopping, chat with friends.

It is also very important for me to spend time with my family for a delicious lunch or dinner.

Of course, 24 hours is not so much, and they are often not enough for everything that I would like to do, but I try to fit the above into one day, ”Alina emphasized.

"Unsportsmanlike mode" Medvedeva

Evgenia Medvedeva, like Zagitova, has not participated in competitions for a long time, although none of them officially announced the end of their sports career.

At the same time, in an interview with the famous gymnast in the past, and now TV presenter Laysan Utyasheva, Evgenia admitted that she is now constantly violating the sports regime and even enjoys it.

“I really like to go to bed at three in the morning, wake up at one in the afternoon.

I now basically take a break from training most of the time.

Perhaps a change of activity helps me to get distracted.

Basically, these are some kind of photo shoots, working shootings and projects, ”said Evgenia.

She stressed that this year she was involved in many television projects, but did not name them - "so as not to divulge the secret."

But photos from the shooting of Medvedev often and with pleasure share in their social networks.

One of the latest was a photo shoot, in which the two-time world champion appeared in a leather jacket, jeans, a white shirt, and large sunglasses.

Picking Plushenko and Fedchenko

Evgeny Plushenko's indignation at refereeing at the Russian junior championship turned into an open squabble between him and Sofia Fedchenko, the coach of Alina Gorbacheva who won in Perm.

In one of the comments in the press, the specialist called Plushenko's statements hysterical and inability to admit her coaching mistakes.

“I think he was too confident in his victory in the absence of the main favorite of the tournament, Alisa Dvoeglazova.

Well, you have to get used to reckon with different coaching staffs.

Our kids are growing up, ”the Life newspaper quotes Fedchenko.

The specialist also noted that she herself never discusses the work of the judging panel, as she considers such assessments outside her competence.

“I have another task - to teach athletes to skate accurately.

I always tell the children: “Ride in such a way that there is nothing to cling to, even if someone really wants to!”

added the coach.

Pretty soon, Plushenko's headquarters came up with an answer, expressed, however, in a rather strange form.

A sarcastic story was published on the account of the Angela Plushenko Academy - an edited screenshot from Fedchenko's profile on one of the sites indicating that she was allegedly a third-year student at the Institute of Sports and Physical Education.

At the same time, in the “About Me” column, a quote from the movie “Morozko” was added: “Princess, not ... Princess”, and an emoji with a crown on her head was added to the photo.

The post hung for a few minutes and was removed.

“That doesn't bother me.

Moreover, the information on his picture about me is unreliable.

I have two completed higher educations.

One with a red diploma, ”Fedchenko commented on the attack.

But not everyone reacted to the ugly act on the part of the academy so calmly.

For example, Tatyana Tarasova negatively assessed the attempt of "the coach to deal with the coach."

“I think these showdowns are completely useless and they don’t decorate Zhenya.

What is the coach doing here?

He trains the best he can.

And many thanks to Sofia Fedchenko, her girl also skated beautifully, ”Tarasova told Match TV.

The FFKKR Ethics Commission did not stand aside either.

According to its chairman, Irina Raber, Plushenko's latest statements will be considered, but a quick result of the proceedings should not be expected.

However, the head coach of the Russian national team Elena Chaikovskaya denied this information.

“I don't comment on it.

This is bullshit, no one is going to do anything.

This is nonsense, which you yourself dissolve, ”said the Match TV specialist.

Premiere of the clip Podolskaya with Valieva

Last week, the premiere of the video for the song by Natalia Podolskaya "I won't turn away" with Kamila Valieva in the title role took place.

For filming, the athlete chose a purple dress, in which she skates a short program of this season.

Podolskaya said that she recorded this song while performing in the Ice Age, and therefore she wanted to shoot a video with the participation of the figure skater.

According to the singer, using the example of Valieva, she wanted to show how important it is to achieve your goals, not give up and believe in yourself.

“Before meeting Camila, I heard about her, knew her story, knew how hard it was for her, how the whole world watched this story.

Even Hollywood stars supported Camila after that story at the Olympics.

She is modest and very gentle, insanely strong girl.

Athletes are very difficult to break, they have such a hardened character, she coped with this situation and just moves on ... Given the history of Camila, I wanted her to take part in the video, it seemed that it would be very interesting, we got a mini -film, ”TASS quotes Podolskaya.

Evgenia Medvedeva, meanwhile, expressed her opinion on how long Valieva's career could be.

The vice-champion of the 2018 Olympics noted that no one has the right to decide this for Camila - everything is only in her hands.

“I have no right to judge her capabilities, because I don’t know what condition her body is in.

And in general, in principle, it is not very correct to say that she can or what she cannot.

If he can - great, if he can't - okay, switch to something else.

The main thing is that a person should be happy.

I think that if she wants and if her health allows, she will be able to skate at a really high level for a couple of Russian championships in order to go and win, ”said Evgenia.

"10 million I voiced"

Over the past week, Evgeni Plushenko has been remembered not only for criticizing the judges, but also for his sharp commentary on the show program tournament, which is being held for the first time this year by the FFKKR.

Less than a month is left before the competition: they will be held in Moscow on March 18.

The tournament promises to be as spectacular and interesting as possible, because both current and former athletes can take part in it.

However, the two-time Olympic champion did not see enough motivation for himself to take part in it.

"Will I apply?

Do I fucking need it?

I voiced the figure of the federation a long time ago.

They came out to me and asked: “Will you skate?”

I said please.

There is a figure, I can skate."

I voiced 10 million, ”Sport24 quotes Plushenko.

At the same time, the entire prize fund of the tournament is less - 9 million rubles.

The winner will receive 5 million, the silver medalist will receive 3 million, and the bronze medalist will receive 1 million.

Nothing is known about the composition of the participants yet.

So, many fans are waiting on the ice for Alina Zagitova, who performed brilliantly at the Lovers of Figure Skating festival, including a clean triple flip.

The Olympic champion showed that she is in excellent shape - and could compete for victory.

But so far, only Elizaveta Nugumanova and Stanislav Konstantinov have declared their desire to perform in Moscow.

“Of course, I really want to ride.

There is an idea for a bright number, which, in my opinion, can fit well into this format.

It's great that they came up with such a tournament, ”said Konstantinova, who recently announced her retirement from sports.