Teller Report

FFF: a damning report for Noël Le Graët, more than ever on an ejection seat

2/16/2023, 8:30:14 AM

After 4 and a half months of investigation and dozens of hearings, the investigators unsurprisingly believe that Noël Le Graët is no longer legitimate at the head of the French Football Federation, in particular because of problematic statements but also for his unethical behavior. The Breton entrepreneur is more than ever on an ejection seat.

Cyrille de la Morinerie 9:21 a.m., February 16, 2023

After 4 and a half months of investigation and dozens of hearings, the investigators unsurprisingly believe that Noël Le Graët is no longer legitimate at the head of the French Football Federation, in particular because of problematic statements but also for his contrary behavior. to morality.

The Breton entrepreneur is more than ever on an ejection seat.

The conclusions of the audit on the management of the French Football Federation, published on Wednesday, are overwhelming for its leaders.

After months of investigation, the inspectors submitted the final document to the Minister of Sports.

And unsurprisingly, the latter pointed to the inappropriate and offensive nature of Noël Le Graët's remarks, sometimes accentuated by excessive alcohol consumption.

The final report, consulted by Europe 1, denounces in particular the behavior of the president of the FFF towards women.


 Withdrawal of Noël Le Graët as president of the FFF: what now?

“He no longer has the necessary legitimacy”

The Minister of Sports, Amelie Oudéa-Castéra, has since put pressure on the 81-year-old Breton and asked him to leave: "I can only endorse the conclusion of the report. He no longer has the necessary legitimacy to administer and represent the French football," she said.

Within the French football federation, the last supporters of Noël Le Graët are in the process of letting go.

Éric Borghini, a prominent member of the Comex joined by Europe 1, believes that Noël Le Graët has lost all credibility to lead the federation.


status quo

 is untenable. It still seems very complicated to me, to find his chair as president and continue as if nothing had happened," he says.

The Comex is due to meet this Friday.

A collective resignation cannot be ruled out, which would automatically lead to the departure of Noël Le Graët.