Teller Report

The Government tries to facilitate access to the new aid of 200 euros so as not to repeat the failure of the previous check

2/14/2023, 1:17:36 AM

The new check for 200 euros that the Government announced at the end of last year, within its package of measures against inflation, can be requested from tomorrow...

  • Anti-crisis plan The 200-euro check favors cohabitants without legal ties or children over families

The new check for 200 euros that the Government announced at the end of last year, within its package of measures against inflation,

can be requested from tomorrow, Wednesday,

at the Tax Agency.

And to avoid another failure like the one that occurred with the previous aid for the same amount, the Treasury will facilitate the process, relax the access conditions and, ultimately, will try to ensure that this action really reaches a large number of beneficiaries.

The official estimate is that the check will reach more than four million beneficiaries, although the previous performance promised that it would reach 2.7 million and it was only 600,000 people.

Just over 20%


For this reason, the first thing the Government decided is to raise the maximum income threshold to request aid from 14,000 to 27,000 euros.

Likewise, applicants may not accumulate assets of more than 75,000 euros without having their habitual residence.

But there is more.

Another key to trying to reach a larger number of citizens is that

there may be more than one beneficiary in the same household


This is the case of two cohabitants between whom there is no accredited link, that is, they are not married or a common-law partner and neither are they children in common.

An example, two people who have a sentimental relationship, without any legal bond, and who reside at the same address.

Or, directly, people who live together without having any kind of love relationship.

In this way, the aid

clearly favors cohabitants without ties or children

over families.

And it is that in the second case, the aforementioned 27,000 euros will be the ceiling for the income of all the members of the same, including the grandparents who reside in the same address.

Regarding the steps to receive the check, applicants must complete the

electronic form

available at the electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency.

«To submit the application it is necessary to have a Cl@ve, electronic certificate or DNI-e.

You can also submit the form, a third party by proxy or social collaboration, “they explain in the agency dependent on the Treasury.

Once the Agency verifies that the applicant is, indeed, entitled to the aid,

it will deposit the 200 euros in the beneficiary's account


The term to do so is up to three months counting from the date on which the period for submitting the form ends.

That day is March 31, so the

subscription limit is June 30


This is already in the summer, when inflation and the price of the shopping basket should have dropped significantly.

From the Treasury, however, they expect a significant number of cases to be resolved and paid much sooner.

They will be those in which the verifications are simpler and the Tax Agency does not depend on another body or area of ​​the Administration.

A clear example, once again, will be people without legal ties to another person or dependent children or parents.

The check for 200 euros will also be an opportunity to offset the scant impact that the VAT reduction has had on basic foods.

Yesterday, Fedea warned that the measure

will only save 40 euros per family in its

expected six months of application.

"In total, the fiscal cost will be about 700 million euros, of which

only 31% will be transferred in the form of savings to the two lower

income quintiles," adds the Foundation for Applied Economics Studies in a document signed by its top manager, Ángel de la Fuente.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Inflation