Teller Report

Republican association on the county museums' exhibitions: "Kungafjäsk"

2/13/2023, 11:52:55 AM

In connection with the king's 50 years on the throne, he visits all of Sweden's 21 counties and in connection with that a series of photo exhibitions are organized. Some of them are held in county museums in the country. The Republican association now believes that the county museums are abandoning their local mission and devoting themselves to fæsk.

The Republican Association describes the photo exhibitions as PR and "idol portraits" and thinks that the county museums that have chosen to hold a photo exhibition in connection with the king's visit have gone beyond their mission to portray the county's cultural and art history.

- When we asked the county museum who made the order, we got the answer that it was the county board and then it is not far-fetched to think that the court has pushed for this and wants it to be carried out.

That's why we think it's bullshit, says Olle Nykvist, chairman of the Republican Association.

The court has assisted with photos

The county administrative boards together with the court have planned the visits to the 21 counties and the court has assisted with photos for the photo exhibitions to the museums that want to arrange them.

A handful of county museums have since arranged photo exhibitions and others have declined.

During some of the king's county visits, the photo exhibitions are instead held in cultural centers and in public places.


Ulf Dernevik is secretary general of the County Museums' Cooperation Council and thinks that the republican association is completely wrong.

- I think they are acting excessively quarrelsome and perhaps they should devote themselves to discussing the issue instead of going to our county museums.

- The county museums are of course not in anyone's shoes.

They are independent institutions that make their own decisions based on their statutory independence.

That they would take instructions from the court is a startling thought.