Teller Report

Forecaster Vilfand promised in Moscow a cooling down to -13°C

2/13/2023, 12:46:44 AM

In the second half of the week, Moscow is expected to drop to -13°C, said Roman Vilfand, scientific director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center.

“In the second half of the week, the temperature will drop, starting from Thursday night there will be such temperatures - from minus 6 to minus 11 ° C, and from Friday to Sunday it is predicted from 8 to 13 frost, and in the daytime - minus 2 - minus 7,” RIA quotes Vilfand news.

He noted that the temperature background will be two degrees below the climatic norm.

Earlier, the leading specialist of the Phobos weather center, Mikhail Leus, in an interview with RT, spoke about the weather in Moscow next week.