Teller Report

He lost two relatives in the earthquake in Syria - critical of aid organizations

2/12/2023, 3:16:46 PM

It has been almost a week since the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Salah Omar from Öland has lost two relatives and several are under collapsed buildings. - I am very sad and disappointed about the situation, he says.

Salah Omar has his sister and several relatives left in the earthquake-stricken town of Jindires, which is right on the border with Turkey.

- They get very limited help from international aid organisations, he says.

Salah Omar came to Sweden from Syria 16 years ago.

He lives with his family on Öland and works as a native language teacher in Kalmar municipality.

- My sister calls me and cries.

What can I do from here?

I feel so powerless, he says.

The sister is waiting for the tent

Salah Omar has collected money from colleagues and friends and sent it to the victims in Jindires.

He says that they need more help, as there are many people who are under the racial masses and that many are injured.

His sister lives with her four-year-old son in a truck and they hope for quick help.

- My sister is waiting for a tent and warm clothes.

She just wants a roof over her head and food, says Salah Omar.

In the video above, you can see pictures that the sister sent from earthquake-stricken Syria.