Teller Report

The companies on Tiktok presence: "Considering a break"

2/11/2023, 3:10:56 PM

The presence on Tiktok is problematic - and maybe they have to stop using the platform, admit the companies that market white snus. However, they deny that they would target people under the age of 25.

Since August, it has been forbidden to advertise snus to people under the age of 25.

Several companies have nevertheless chosen to advertise on the Tiktok platform, where a very large proportion of users are under 25 years of age.

One of them is the snuff brand Kelly White.

In the clips, which have received a total of hundreds of thousands of views, they use memes and imposed movie lines, among other things.

The snuff boxes are also displayed by young women in connection with visits to pubs and nightclubs.

Believes to follow the law

Kelly White believes that the ads stay on the right side of the law, but states that they can still stop posting on Tiktok.

"We use the funds available to control the traffic to 25 plus.

We are also considering pausing our presence until the channel (Tiktok, editor's note) has matured," writes the company's CEO Sophie Wilsby.

Another part of Kelly White's marketing is the so-called "rhinestone box" - which is matched with sparkly boots and handbags.

"There are many variants of refill containers on the market and we have chosen a material that matches our brand," writes the CEO.

Loose candy and video games

The snuff shop Onlywhite has in turn posted clips where snuff boxes are hidden among small sweets and arranged competitions where followers can win video game consoles and headphones.

They have also made clips where they offer white snus to 18-year-olds during a trip abroad, despite the fact that people under the age of 25 are not allowed to appear in the advertising.

SVT Nyheter has searched the company, which has not returned.

"Nothing we did deliberately"

The company with the most followers is Whitelip, with a total of close to 70,000 followers on their accounts.

They think that the young audience on Tiktok is "a problem" and will review whether they can target people over 25 in a clearer way.

- We are 24 years old, so when we do it our way it may be more youthful, but it is not something we have done deliberately, says vice president Albin Dahlin. 

Since they themselves are under 25, they have also realized that they are not allowed to appear in the clips.

They must therefore pause their participation.

Hear more about how Whitelip views her Tiktok channel in the clip: