Teller Report

The authorities of the Rostov region and the LPR signed a cooperation agreement

2/11/2023, 3:58:12 PM

The interim head of the LPR, Leonid Pasechnik, said that the authorities of the republic and the Rostov region signed a cooperation agreement.

He wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

“Today in Lugansk I met with a delegation from the Rostov region.

A long-awaited and significant event took place - together with the governor of the neighboring region Vasily Golubev, he signed an agreement on trade, economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural cooperation,” said Pasechnik.

He clarified that representatives of the Rostov region brought aid to Lugansk for the Lugansk Republican Clinical Hospital.

Earlier, the 360 ​​TV channel reported that volunteers from the Moscow region delivered gifts to the pupils of the center for children with special needs in Donetsk.