Teller Report

Kaliningrad authorities appealed to the military after complaints from mobilized

2/11/2023, 10:58:40 PM

The head of the press service of the government of the Kaliningrad region, Dmitry Lyskov, said that local authorities turned to the command of the Ministry of Defense after complaints from mobilized Kaliningraders that they were not prepared for the assault in the DPR.

It is reported by RIA Novosti.

It is noted that earlier on the Internet there was a video of an appeal to the governor of the region Anton Alikhanov.

In the video, the man claimed that he and his comrades were handed over to the DPR and assigned the role of assault infantry.

At the same time, as the author of the appeal stated, he considers himself not ready for an assault, and there were already losses in the battalion.

It is noted that the governor of the Kaliningrad region appealed to the command with a request to look into the situation.

“The situation is under control of the governor and the command of the Baltic Fleet,” the message says.

Previously, more than nine thousand mistakenly mobilized were returned home.

It was also reported that the head of Tuva, Vladislav Khovalyg, is in touch with Russian Deputy Defense Minister Viktor Goremykin regarding complaints from those mobilized from the region.