Teller Report

High pressure on collection of clothes for earthquake victims

2/11/2023, 2:22:16 PM

The three Syrian Orthodox churches in Jönköping have come together over the weekend for a collection for those in need after the earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria. During the Saturday morning, there was sometimes a bit of chaos at the venue when many people wanted to leave clothes and other necessities.

- You must ask them to tell you what is in the bags and then put it in boxes, Susan Badhaidos is heard saying over the volunteers gathered in the Assyrian Tubardin association in Huskvarna.

In one part of the room there are already packed boxes.

Now it quickly fills up with rubbish bags, suitcases and cardboard boxes.

Susan tries to steer clear so no one leaves an unmarked bag.

Children's clothes separately, hygiene items separately.

- It is the worst earthquake disaster in modern times with over 20,000 dead.

says Susan Badhaido with tears in her eyes.

All clothes and things must be transported to Södertälje where they are loaded into containers for onward travel to the affected areas.

In the clip, Susan Badhaido talks about the willingness of Jönköping residents to collect.