Teller Report

Deputy Morozov said that without nuclear weapons Russia would have been attacked by the collective West

2/11/2023, 7:22:03 AM

The collective West would have attacked Russia long ago if it did not have nuclear weapons, said State Duma deputy Oleg Morozov.

The "Stalin bomb" certainly once saved the world from a nuclear catastrophe.

Today the world is saved by "Putin's bomb".

There is no doubt that without this factor, we would have been attacked by the collective West long ago, ”RIA Novosti quotes him.

According to Morozov, new treaties in the field of nuclear weapons are also acceptable, but on condition that they will not be to the detriment of Moscow's current advantages and will be on the principles of absolute reciprocity.

Former US President Donald Trump said earlier that after the West supplies tanks to the Kyiv regime, the armed conflict could reach nuclear strikes.

The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that the actions of the United States against Russia are fraught with a real danger of a direct military clash between the two nuclear powers.