Teller Report

Clean sex toys: always before and after using them, the golden rule

2/11/2023, 12:59:02 AM

More than half of Spanish women use sex toys to improve their sexual life or reach orgasm. Sales do not stop growing, even after the pandemic, when the...

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More than half of Spanish women use sex toys to improve their sexual life or reach orgasm.

Sales do not stop growing,

even after the pandemic, when the increase exceeded 300%.

Those who do not buy it for pure pleasure are looking for a therapeutic excuse: either to strengthen the pelvic floor, prevent genital dryness, learn about our erotica or improve genital functionality.

Now, once the shame is gone, it is convenient to check if our erotic toy is receiving the attention it deserves.

We refer, above all, to your hygiene.

Rosa Navarro, sexologist at Diversual, a brand specializing in erotic toys and cosmetics, reminds us that toys come into contact with intimate areas.

"Its cleaning and sanitization -he advances- are very important to

avoid the presence of bacteria and fungi.

Depending on the material of the toy and if it is more or less porous, there will also be a greater probability that microorganisms will adhere to it".

In the case of sharing toys or exchanging between the vagina and the anus, the sexologist

advises the use of condoms

to minimize the risks of contagion of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and other types of diseases.

In addition to taking care of our health, proper cleaning prolongs the life of toys.

"It helps us keep their original properties and last longer," she adds.

When should it be done?

The most sensible thing is

to always clean them before and after using them.

Of course, also before launching them, as we should do with any other product for intimate use.

"Although it seems excessive -justifies Navarro-, a

double cleaning

further reduces the possibility of bacteria on the surface of the toy. Sometimes, between one use and another, a long time elapses and without realizing it we may have had some carelessness in storage".

Prevention is never exaggerated.

What is the best cleaning product?

Regarding the way of cleaning and maintenance, the expert indicates that it will depend, for example, on the material with which it was made and other issues, such as its resistance to water or if they have a motor or batteries.

"The best thing -he recommends- is to always follow the

manufacturer's specific indications".

In the case of dildos, plugs and manual masturbators, which do not have a motor, they can be washed without fear, since there is no risk that the water or the product with which they are sanitized will spoil them.

"If it is about vibrators or vibrating masturbators, we will have to see, above all, if they are

waterproof or submersible."

The nuance is important.

If they are submersible we can wash them directly under the tap;

If they are only waterproof, it is better to clean them with a damp cloth.

"In the case of carrying batteries, they must always be removed before cleaning."

Can they be sterilized in boiling water?

It is a traditional disinfection method.

Is it also valid for this type of articles?

According to the expert, menstrual cups and those metal and glass toys do allow this option.

In the case of silicone, too, but the manufacturer's instructions must be observed.

"A trick to facilitate this system is

to use a sterilizing cup for menstrual cups.

They are small in size and are inserted into the microwave with the product and water inside."

Other types of products, such as BDSM accessories, recommend not immersing them, since they usually contain metal chains that can be damaged.

In this case, the best solution is

a cloth moistened with water and neutral soap

or a specific cleaner.

Even with products that do not directly touch the genitals, as is the case with these BDSM accessories, it indicates that the most sensible thing to do is to clean them after each use.

It is not uncommon for them to come into contact with some type of bodily fluid, such as sweat, which impregnates the material.

Handcuffs, submission collars, floggers and other accessories are cleaned with

warm water and neutral pH soap,

following the manufacturer's specifications, especially if they have metal parts.

If specific cleaners for sex toys are used, Navarro suggests avoiding those that contain alcohol to prevent surface damage.

The most appropriate way to apply the cleaner and distribute it over the entire surface of the vibrator is using a

cloth or towel that does not release fibers

and that allows us to reach all corners.

In any case, all manufacturers indicate in their instructions how to apply it and whether or not it is necessary to rinse the product afterwards.

If it is a toy with many nooks and crannies, we can also use a cotton swab to gain access.

never in the dishwasher

Something that is widespread and that

is not recommended

is to wash toys in the dishwasher.

Do not use scourers or any element that can scratch the surface.

For this reason, it is important to obtain good information in specialized stores.

There they will give us detailed and quality information on the subject.

Let's not neglect drying

Once clean, the next warning, regardless of its characteristics, is drying.

It would be reckless to store them when they are still wet and, furthermore, we would shorten their useful life.

"If we notice that they may still be a little wet and we need to put them away now, the ideal is to use a clean towel or cloth that does not release fibers to finish drying them


advises Navarro.

For most toys and accessories, there is no better way than to let them air dry.

Some, like

male masturbators,

require special attention.

The sleeves inside usually have textures that easily accumulate moisture.

"Typically they can be pulled out of the casing and we can flip it over a few times to make sure they're completely dry."

Storage: the right place for everyone

Each toy should be stored, following our expert's instructions, independently in

a breathable fabric bag.

You can even use a clean mismatched sock.

Once wrapped, it will be necessary to find a place free of humidity and away from sources of heat or sunlight.

The best guarantee of perfect storage would be to have a specific drawer or a box.

Navarro insists on the importance of taking care that dildos, vibrators, suction cups and other erotic products

do not come into contact with each other.

"Each toy must go in its individual bag, so we will prevent the material from being damaged. The life of toys has a limited duration, but the more precautions we take and the better we treat them, the longer we can extend it."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • lifestyle

  • Sex