Teller Report

Governor of Idlib: Damascus is ready to import aid to areas of the province not under its control

2/10/2023, 11:04:00 PM

Governor of Idlib province Tahir Salhab said the Syrian government is ready to import humanitarian aid to areas not controlled by it in the northwest of Idlib province.

It is reported by TASS with reference to the SANA agency.

According to the governor, this requires the uncontrolled side to open crossings for humanitarian aid and allow the convoys to enter. 

“Currently, coordination is underway with the UN and international organizations regarding entry,” Salhab added.

Earlier, the Syrian government approved the delivery of humanitarian aid to all regions of the country, including territories not controlled by Damascus.

UNICEF also said that the Syrians need water and food, there is a risk of an epidemic.