Teller Report

Forecaster Shuvalov told when the bad weather in St. Petersburg will end

2/10/2023, 1:22:07 PM

The head of the Meteo prognostic center, Alexander Shuvalov, in an interview with RT, told when the bad weather in St. Petersburg will end.

First of all, the forecaster noted a strong wind, the speed of which, according to weather stations, on the coast in Kronstadt reaches 24-25 m/s.

This, according to him, is connected "with the movement of a high-speed high-altitude hollow."

“Precipitation will end quickly enough, and the wind will begin to subside, but closer to night.

Tomorrow its gusts will be no more than 12-17 m/s,” Shuvalov said.

Earlier, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Leningrad Region announced a storm warning due to increased wind from February 10.