Teller Report

“Fighter shot down 'something' over Alaska,” US announced

2/10/2023, 9:58:05 PM

[NHK] A senior White House official announced that a fighter plane shot down some object flying over Alaska. who how...

A senior White House official has announced that a fighter jet shot down an object flying over Alaska.

It is unknown at this time who was flying and for what purpose, so the US military will proceed with the recovery work of the wreckage and rush to clarify.

White House Strategic Communications Coordinator Kirby announced on the 10th that a fighter jet shot down an object flying over northeastern Alaska near the Canadian border.

The object was about the size of a small car, flew at about 40,000 feet and about 12,000 meters above the ground, did not appear to be manoeuvrable, and was effectively driven by the wind.

It is said that the size, flight altitude, etc. are all different from the Chinese balloon that the US shot down last week.

It was shot down on the 10th at the direction of President Biden, and was said to be dangerous to the flight of commercial aircraft from the flight altitude.

It is unknown at this time who was flying this object and for what purpose, and the US military is proceeding with the recovery work of the wreckage to expedite the clarification.