Teller Report

“Claim damages exceeding 800 million yen from the former president of Nihon University” Investigation Committee interim report

2/10/2023, 12:40:01 PM

[NHK] At Nihon University, where the former president was convicted of tax evasion, an investigation committee that is working to identify fraud has been accepted by the university...

Nihon University, where the former president was convicted of tax evasion, was in an unusual situation, and an investigative committee that was working to identify improprieties found that the university had suffered more than 800 million yen in damages. I think we should seek compensation.

Regarding Nihon University, former president Hidetoshi Tanaka has been found guilty in a tax evasion case with a suspended sentence, and former director Tadao Inoguchi and others have been indicted for breach of trust.

In response to the incident, an external investigative committee, which is promoting the identification of improprieties at Nihon University, held a press conference as an interim report on the 10th.

The investigative committee

discovered that the former director and others had committed fraud in relation to the procurement of pharmaceuticals at Nihon University Hospital and the attached Itabashi hospital

. It is said that there were unreasonable practices such as being exempted from the fee of more than 11 million yen even though there was no such thing.

The investigative committee believes that the university's damages, including those that have already been filed, will amount to more than 800 million yen, and that the former president and others should be reimbursed.

Lawyer Yutaka Kimeda, one of the committee members, said, "I asked the former chairman for an explanation last December, but he did not respond. I would like to ask for his cooperation toward the final report."

Nihon University said, "We are considering the claim for damages, but we would like to refrain from details."