Teller Report

Sundsvall Police: "No news for us"

1/30/2023, 9:32:30 PM

Behind the recent wave of violence in Stockholm is, according to information to SVT, a battle over the drug market in Sundsvall. The development in the city - with an increasing influx of drugs - is nothing new to the police, says Josef Wiklund, local police area manager in Medelpad. - It will be a bit like a transit point for drugs, he says in SVT's Aktuellt.

After the police crackdown in Sundsvall last week, a total of seven people have been detained.

The police have confirmed that the operation is directly linked to the wave of violence in Stockholm.

According to SVT's data, several of the recent acts of violence in and around the capital can be linked to a conflict between two rival criminal groups - over the drug market in Sundsvall.

According to Josef Wiklund, the fact that it is Sundsvall that is being contested has to do with the fact that the city is strategically well located, as it is easy to get from Stockholm further north and towards Jämtland.

Changed attitude towards party drugs

Another reason for the development is the change in attitude in the city - where a significantly larger proportion of people have started using drugs.

Through, among other things, investigations of the waste water, the police have discovered clear increases in so-called party drugs such as cocaine.

- Of course, this means that this market is highly sought after and can be used to make a lot of money, says Josef Wiklund.

Hear more from local police area manager Josef Wiklund in the clip above