Teller Report

Financial Times: Bolsonaro has applied for a six-month US visa

1/30/2023, 9:08:13 PM

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has applied for a six-month US visa, according to the Financial Times, citing lawyer Felipe Alexander.

Bolsonaro, the former president of Brazil, has applied for a six-month visitor visa to stay in the US as his position in his home country becomes legally dangerous.

On January 8, Bolsonaro's protesters broke into the congress building in the country's capital.

President Lula da Silva declared a state of emergency in the capital until the end of the month in connection with the unrest.

He expressed confidence that Bolsonaro should be punished if his involvement in the protests is confirmed.

The Federal Supreme Court of Brazil has included the ex-president in the list of defendants in the investigation into the case of organizing riots.