Teller Report

Guangzhou Railway Police Cracked Passenger Property Theft Cases

1/17/2023, 2:12:45 PM

According to a report from the Guangzhou Railway Public Security Department on the 16th, in recent days, the Guangzhou Railway Police has successively uncovered cases of theft of passenger property. After confirming that this was a case of theft, the police detachment of the Guangzhou Railway Public Security Department immediately filed the case and launched an investigation, and then quickly locked the identity and whereabouts of the suspect., Guangzhou, January 16 (Reporter Guo Jun) According to a report from the Guangzhou Railway Public Security Department on the 16th, recently, the Guangzhou Railway Police has successively cracked cases of theft of passenger property.

In the case, when the two passengers were taking the train, their valuables were stolen by the passengers in the same compartment because of their carelessness.

  On the evening of January 3, the police detachment of the Guangzhou Railway Public Security Department received a call from passenger Mr. Zhou for help, saying that he would accidentally leave a transparent sealed bag with 6 pieces of gold-encrusted emeralds and a total price of more than 107,000 yuan on the seat when he was riding. I hope the police can help him find it.

  After receiving the report, the police detachment of the Guangzhou Railway Public Security Department attached great importance to it, and immediately assigned police and contacted relevant railway departments to carry out a lot of search work, but the emerald bag mentioned by Mr. Zhou was never found.

After further investigation, the police found that this was not an ordinary case of loss, but a case of theft—Mr. Zhou’s jade was actually stolen by Tang, a passenger sitting next to him in the same row.

  It turned out that in the evening of that day, Mr. Zhou, who was engaged in the jade business, took 6 pieces of jade from Zhaoqing East Station to Shenzhen by train G2903. After getting on the train, he found his seat in row 03 of compartment 07 by the aisle, and put the jade seal bag in the middle seat.

Because the battery of the mobile phone was too low, Mr. Zhou left his seat and went to the next row of window seats to charge. He did not return to his original seat until he got off at Shenzhen North Station.

And just after Mr. Zhou left his seat, Tang, a passenger next to him in row 03, fetched water from the junction of the carriages and returned, and found the transparent sealing bag on the middle seat. After looking more closely, it was actually full of gold-encrusted emeralds.

A bag of jade was "born" around him for no reason, and Tang couldn't help feeling greedy.

After some hesitation, Tang did not resist the temptation. Before arriving at the destination station, Guangzhou South Railway Station, he mixed the emerald bag into his luggage and took it out of the car.

  After collecting and fixing relevant evidence, the police filed a case and launched an investigation. On the afternoon of January 6, the suspect Tang was summoned to justice in a residential area of ​​a street in Liwan District, Guangzhou.

At first the suspect Tang denied the theft, arguing that he was just picking it up. When the police asked "why didn't they ask the surrounding passengers or hand it over to the staff", Tang was speechless.

In the end, in the face of conclusive evidence, Tang confessed to the crime of stealing other people's property at G2903 on January 3.

  Coincidentally, when Mr. Dong from Chongqing was on the train, because of his negligence, a SLR camera he was carrying was stolen by the passengers in the same compartment.

  At 6:20 on January 10, when the T212 train was running to the Haining-Jiaxing section, the police received a call from Mr. Dong, a passenger in the 02 compartment, saying that a camera worth more than 11,000 yuan was stolen.

After receiving the report, the police immediately launched an investigation in the carriage and found that a middle-aged man in the same carriage who was dressed in black and had gotten off from Hangzhou South Railway Station was suspected of committing a major crime.

After confirming that this was a case of theft, the police detachment of the Guangzhou Railway Public Security Department immediately filed the case and launched an investigation, and then quickly locked the identity and whereabouts of the suspect.

On January 13, with the assistance of the local police, the police handling the case arrested the suspect Zhuang in a community in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, and seized the stolen goods at the beginning.

  At present, the suspects Tang and Zhuang in the above case have been taken criminal coercive measures by the Guangzhou Railway Police in accordance with the law on suspicion of theft, and the case is under further investigation.
