Teller Report

"It's filthy!" : Véronique Sanson's rant against this French tradition

1/17/2023, 11:12:48 AM

Guest on the set of "C à vous" Monday, January 16, Véronique Sanson returned on the petition for the abolition of hunting with hounds that she signed alongside other artists in the newspaper "Le Monde" last week. The 73-year-old singer called the practice "unclean" then became outraged at animal abuse in general.

Solène Delinger 11:58 a.m., January 17, 2023

Invited on the set of "C à vous" Monday January 16, Véronique Sanson returned to the petition for the abolition of hunting with hounds that she signed alongside other artists in the newspaper "Le Monde" the week last.

The 73-year-old singer described this practice as "filthy" and then became indignant at animal abuse in general. 

A cry from the heart.

Invited on the

C à vous

set on Monday January 16 to promote her new tour, Véronique Sanson sent a very political message by pleading for the abolition of hunting with hounds in France.

"Hunting is filthy," said the 73-year-old singer who signed 

a petition  last week in the columns of

Le Monde calling for the practice to be banned.

"I find it disgusting"

"It's not even fair play", the star is indignant in the face of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.

“The way men have to treat animals… This kind of cruelty and sadism”, she continues, revolted.

It was the images of a "to die for" goat farm that convinced her to sign the petition.

"Really, it's sadistic, they beat pigs, cows, everything! The intensive thing. It's not fair and I find it disgusting. I don't understand how we let it happen. Everyone is indignant but nobody is doing anything", gets carried away Véronique Sanson. 

"Everyone is corrupt and I'm furious"

"Animal abuse is something that was discussed a bit during the last presidential campaign, but probably not enough, but it's something you wanted to talk about," relaunched Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.

"It's really not enough at all", laments the singer, very sensitive to animal causes: "There is no health control, it is not monitored enough, controlled and people stick together".

For Véronique Sanson, "everyone is corrupt".

"I'm furious. The animals haven't asked anyone for anything and everything in a cage… I don't like caged birds, I don't like that," she concludes, upset by this subject. .