Teller Report

Jacob Hård: "I was surprised and incredibly happy"

1/16/2023, 10:12:29 AM

The Olympics are back on Sweden's Television. A message that pleases SVT Sports' popular commentator Jacob Hård. - I was surprised and incredibly happy. I had not dared to believe that it would happen. I think it's great fun, he says.

During his long career as a sports commentator and reporter, Jacob Hård has managed to cover many Olympics.

In 2026 in Cortina, it will be broadcast on SVT for the first time since London 2012.

- Above all, I remember the cohesion that is created in an Olympic team from a TV company.

It has been so incredibly cool to be part of that teamwork, says Hård.

Hård explains why he thinks it is important that the Olympics are broadcast on SVT.

- I want to start by saying that not only SVT can make the Olympics good for a Swedish television audience.

But I still think that an event like the Olympics belongs on Swedish Television.

I think it feels like the Olympics are coming home.

- I rejoice with those who want to watch the Olympics, but who have not done so when it has been shown on SVT.