Teller Report

Clear: Tiril Eckhoff misses the WC

1/16/2023, 11:30:25 AM

Today, the Norwegian squad for the Biathlon World Cup in Oberhof, February 8-19, was released. Then the star Tiril Eckhoff is not there, who is still suffering from the effects of corona.

Eckhoff is one of the sport's absolute greatest.

She won the overall World Cup in 2020/21 and then took a gold, a silver and a bronze at the 2022 Olympics.

Last summer, she told us that for some time she had problems with her health, something that still stops the star from being able to compete and train properly. 

One who is back, on the other hand, is Marte Olsbu Röiseland, who struggled with the suites of shingles for a longer period.

GUIDE: Everything about the Biathlon World Cup 2023 in Oberhof

Clip: Tiril Eckhoff opens up about the end of time: "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy"

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Tiril Eckhoff has had a tough year behind him with illness and mental illness.