Teller Report

'[Urgent] Change password now'... The identity of the phishing criminal who pretended to be Daum

1/16/2023, 12:05:52 AM

At first glance, these letters seem a bit similar to Daum on a portal site. Mail from daurn, you should never open it. Let's take a look at the identity article of this mail.

At first glance, these letters seem a bit similar to Daum on a portal site.

Mail from daurn, you should never open it.

Let's take a look at the identity article of this mail.

A cyber security company recently revealed that North Korea is attempting phishing to steal users' passwords by disguising the Daum portal site.

The phishing email found this time was titled '[Urgent] Please change your password right now', and used the sender's domain as to pretend to be the following.

The body of the email contains a hyperlink along with content encouraging you to change your password, saying that your personal information may have been stolen by others.

If you click the hyperlink, you will be connected to the phishing site made as if it were a login page, and the information you entered here will be transmitted to the attacker's server.

As a result of analyzing various indicators, the security company revealed that the hacking organization Kim Soo-ki under the North Korean Reconnaissance General Bureau was behind the attack.