Teller Report

Comet Retiro: The place to get the perfect meeting

1/12/2023, 1:24:09 AM

"Zoom wasn't invented in a Zoom meeting." This is how one of the posters with which Comet Meetings landed in Spain in October read. Behind them was the...

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"Zoom was not invented in a Zoom meeting."

This is how one of the posters with which Comet Meetings landed in Spain in October read.

Behind them was the hand of

Victor Carreau

(Paris, 1988), CEO and co-founder, along with

Maxime Albertus


Nicholas Findling

, of this French start-


that has revolutionized business meetings by promoting face-to-face meetings "in super-equipped environments that encourage intelligence collective".

"What we offer is that they have everything here," he says as he tours the roof of

a 1,900-square-meter building on Calle de Alfonso XII, in front of Retiro Park


"We approach meetings from two different points of view: logistics and content. We want them to have everything available here, so there's no time they have to stop to look for something. This way, they can focus on the content of your meeting," he says.

His past as a strategy consultant at MC Kinsey & Company toughened him on the "heaviness" involved in organizing them and marked the fact that "always, at the most important moment", when the ideas were coming, "a technical problem" arose. or anything else that would slow down the work.

A room at Comet Retiro, on Calle de Alfonso XII.

In Alfonso XII, each floor is linked to a part of the Retiro, hence its nickname of El Parque del Tesoro.

Apart from his team of architects, for each new establishment he chooses local professionals.

In the case of the capital,

Madrid In Love


There are common spaces for breakfast, lunch or having an



"It may seem strange that we don't just have meeting rooms, because people are used to having a space on the ground floor of a hotel, with their tray of cold food. But we are convinced that the concept works much better if apart from working concentrated in your living room,

you have the possibility of going to common spaces where you can take breaks and be able to change scenery

", he assures.

In Comet Retiro you can coexist from a company dedicated to luxury to an energy company, going through a high military official who is going to give a talk on leadership.


If you are in a large room with other groups, it has been proven that bonds with your own team develop more

, even with colleagues with whom you do not have more affinity. It creates a feeling of belonging," says Carraeu.

Comet has prepared a study on the relationship of French, Belgian and Spanish employees with meetings.

The conclusions are clear:

66% of national workers usually go to many without knowing why they have been invited


“Our goal is for everything to work super well.

And for it to be a success, it needs to have the right five dimensions: people, place, service, content, and mindset.”

The goal "is not to have more meetings, but more effective ones."

Carreau, on the roof with views of the Retiro Park.

Among the services is a team of experts among which the figure of the meeting scientist stands out, with guidelines that help to express ideas better and


sessions .

"For us, work is separated into three activities:

production, collaboration and socialization

, which did not seem so important 15 years ago for companies but is essential today."

After receiving more than

300,000 clients

and raising 40 million euros in five years, Comet Meetings, with 10 venues totaling more than 300,000 square meters, seeks to be one of the main players in the

Future of Work

, supporting companies of all sizes. .

They are already looking for their next building in Madrid - "we see a fairly deep market", he points out -, and they

plan to open stores in Germany and Italy


"We don't want to put a tray in every country but with just one building. We want to make sure that in each one we can open multiple buildings. For us, the future of an office is a meeting room," he concludes.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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