Teller Report

An investigation opened for harassment after the suicide of Lucas, 13, in the Vosges

1/12/2023, 3:05:21 PM

An investigation into harassment of a minor under the age of fifteen was opened after the suicide of a 13-year-old teenager in Golbey on Saturday, the Epinal prosecution announced on Thursday. The relatives denounced in their hearings "acts of harassment committed by students of his college, because of his homosexuality, for several months".

Europe 1 with AFP 3:59 p.m., January 12, 2023

An investigation into harassment of a minor under the age of fifteen was opened after the suicide of a 13-year-old teenager in Golbey on Saturday, the Epinal prosecution announced on Thursday.

The relatives denounced in their hearings "acts of harassment committed by students of his college, because of his homosexuality, for several months".

An investigation into harassment of a minor under the age of fifteen was opened after the suicide on Saturday of a 13-year-old teenager in Golbey (Vosges), the Épinal prosecution announced on Thursday.

Lucas, educated in 4th grade, ended his life on January 7th.

According to his family, he was the victim of school bullying, but also of homophobia.

Lucas' relatives denounced in their hearings "acts of harassment committed by students at his college, because of his homosexuality, for several months", said the public prosecutor, Frédéric Nahon, in a press release.

The facts "reported to the National Education"

The family had not filed a complaint, but "the facts had been reported to the National Education, which had received the minors", added the magistrate.

The investigation was entrusted to the Epinal police station in order to "establish the reality of the facts denounced and the causal link with the suicide", added the prosecution.

A psychological unit has been set up within the establishment where the teenager was educated.

For their part, the relatives of the victim launched a kitty to finance "a funeral commensurate with the love we have for Lucas".