Teller Report

The Dals-Eds politician on Demirok: "Must invest in the countryside"

1/11/2023, 6:58:13 PM

The center party has governed Dals-Ed since the 70s, but in the last election it lost over 16 percent and now no longer holds the position of chairman. Here, the expectations for the party's intended new leader are high. - Now the party must invest in the countryside again, says Kenneth Gustavsson, district chairman of the Center Party in Dals-ed

In Dals-Ed, as in many other former center strongholds, the election was a major setback.

Even though you got just over 22 of the votes, it is therefore low numbers, for being in the municipality.

After the election, the party has lost much of its position as a rural party, and that is what Kenneth Gustavsson now hopes will change.

Hear his expectations for the proposed successor to Annie Lööf, Muharrem Demirok, in the clip above.