Teller Report

Prime Minister Kishida departs for Canada from the UK to visit Europe and the United States as the G7 presidency

1/11/2023, 10:16:16 PM

[NHK] G7 = Prime Minister Kishida, who is visiting European and American member countries as the chair country of the seven major countries, finished his schedule in the UK and headed for Canada, his next destination...

Prime Minister Kishida, who has been visiting European and American member countries as the chair of the G7 = seven major countries, finished his schedule in the UK and left for Canada, his next destination.

Prime Minister Kishida, who is visiting member countries in Europe and the United States ahead of the G7 Hiroshima Summit in May this year, held a summit meeting with Prime Minister Sunak in London, the United Kingdom, on the evening of the 11th, Japan time, during his third visit. rice field.

At the meeting, the two leaders confirmed their solidarity for the success of the summit, as the world is confronted with the situation in Ukraine and food and energy issues.

In addition, Prime Minister Kishida explained that Japan and the United Kingdom are working to drastically strengthen their defense capabilities, such as by deciding on new security-related documents, and agreed to promote security cooperation between Japan and the United Kingdom. bottom.

In response to this, after the meeting, the two leaders signed the "Japan-UK Facilitation Agreement", which stipulates in advance what to do when the Self-Defense Forces and the British military conduct joint exercises.

Prime Minister Kishida finished his schedule in Europe and departed for his next destination, Ottawa, the capital of Canada, on a government plane just after 4:00 a.m. on the 12th Japan time.

After meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau in Canada, he plans to enter Washington, USA from the 13th of Japan time and attend a Japan-US summit meeting with President Biden.