Teller Report

Abidjan wants to warm up its relations with Bamako

1/11/2023, 8:40:20 PM

First telephone conversation between Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara and Colonel Assimi Goïta earlier this week, after the pardon granted last week to 49 Ivorian soldiers…

Abidjan wants to warm up its relations with Bamako

The President of Côte d'Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, spoke on the telephone with the Malian President of the transition, Colonel Assimi Goïta (illustrative image) REUTERS - FRANCIS KOKOROKO

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First telephone conversation between Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara and Colonel Assimi Goïta at the start of this week, after the pardon granted last week to the 49 Ivorian soldiers arrested and sentenced by the Malian courts.

The Ivorian head of state reiterated to the head of the Malian junta his wish to invite him to make a friendly visit to Abidjan to "warm up relations between the two countries". 


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With our correspondent in the region,

Serge Daniel

The immediate entourage of Colonel Assimi Goïta confirms his very recent telephone conversation with the Ivorian head of state.

This is the first conversation between the two men after the pardon followed by

the release of the Ivorian soldiers


President Alassane Ouattara took the opportunity to reiterate his invitation to the President of the Malian transition to pay a friendly visit to Côte d'Ivoire.

No date has yet been set.

And several Malian officials interviewed by telephone explain: certainly the desire to strengthen relations between the two countries is also a reality in Bamako, but Colonel Assimi Goïta is not going to jump on the first plane for Abidjan.

One of our interlocutors on the Malian side adds: We should probably first encourage the holding of a meeting of the Mali/Côte d'Ivoire Mixed Cooperation Commission.

According to our information, the foreign ministers of the two countries should get in touch before the end of this week to speed up preparations for this meeting.

According to observers, the two parties must continue to take action for confidence to return completely.

Among the Malian leaders, some note that after

the release of the Ivorian military

, President Alassane Ouattara certainly thanked the Malian people, but did not specifically mention Colonel Assimi Goïta.

To read also: The 46 Ivorian soldiers return to Abidjan after the Malian presidential pardon


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