Teller Report

[Breaking News] Court, 'controversy over bullying driving'

1/11/2023, 9:34:47 AM

The court has decided to end the lawsuit that has been fought for years between Kim Bo-reum and Noh Seon-young over the controversy over the speed skating'bullied running' in the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics with forced mediation.

The court has decided to end the lawsuit that has been fought for years between Kim Bo-reum and Noh Seon-young over the controversy over the speed skating'bullied running' in the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics with forced mediation.

The 13th Civil Division of the Seoul High Court held a mediation date for the appeal trial of Bo-reum Kim's lawsuit against Noh Seon-young and made a "decision to replace mediation" (forced mediation).

Details of the decision were not disclosed.

In a hearing held on the 9th of last month, the judge said, “I want to ask our society if adults can drive young players to hell so harshly,” and “strongly recommend reconciliation between the two sides.”

An official from the Seoul High Court explained, "Although arbitrary mediation was not established, the court issued a decision to replace mediation based on what was discussed at the mediation date."

Coercive mediation is a procedure in which a court sets the terms of reconciliation between the parties to resolve a dispute without adjudicated in a civil lawsuit.

The parties may appeal the court mediation proposal within two weeks, in which case the mediation fails and the trial is reopened.

If there is no objection, compulsory mediation has the same effect as a final judgment.

Kim Bo-reum competed with Noh Seon-young and Park Ji-woo in the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics speed skating women's team pursuit quarterfinals, and when Noh Seon-young lagged far behind in the game and entered the finish line, Bo-reum Kim led the so-called 'bullying driving' controversy lost

Afterwards, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism conducted an audit and stated that there was no intentional bullying.

In January 2019, one year after the competition, Kim Bo-reum claimed that he had been harassed by Noh Noh-young, such as interrupting training and verbal abuse, and filed a lawsuit against Noh Noh-young in November of the following year for 200 million won.

The first trial court ruled that Noh Seon-young should compensate Kim Bo-reum for 3 million won, saying that it was acknowledged that he had harassed Kim Bo-reum.

(Photo = Yonhap News)